Craving my path

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In a sea of crowded agony

Who can I follow?
Where can I find my path?
Who will journey with me?

Will the truth unravel?
Or lies be concealed?

As I navigated my way
Through pressing ties

Setting boundaries
Running faster
Towards the light

They said,
"Follow me, I'll guide you"

But they led me into darkness
Trapping me
Inside my own mind

"Jealous, freak"
They called me

But I won't break
I won't bend
I will rise above
Until the end

The whispers fade
The shadows thin
A spark ignites
From deep within

Strength in solitude
A silent roar
 I'll carve my way
And find the door

No more fears
No more shame
I am the fire
I am the flame

Through the night
I'll journey far
Guided by
My own North Star

The voices fall
To a distant hum
For now I see
The dawn will come

With every step
A newfound grace
No longer lost
 I've found my place

- Sadhana Siva 

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