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"Quiet dip shit," Dawn told me after I accidentally knocked something over while climbing through Cassidy's balcony door.

I rolled my eyes and looked around her bedroom. It was quiet, the only sound there was was the sound of the shower running in her bathroom.

I went over to the crib where Darcy was sleeping peacefully and I couldn't help but to admire her.

She looked so much like me.

My baby girl.

She started to move a little bit and quickly got whiny, I thought I might've accidentally disturbed her sleep, or she was hungry.

I picked her up out of her crib and supported her head before lighting rocking her and shushing her which didn't really calm her down much.

"She's hungry," I walked towards the door.

"Where are you going?" Dawn asked me.

I didn't say anything just left downstairs with Darcy in my arms to the fridge to find some milk for her, to my luck I did.

Already made into a bottle.

I took the bottle from the fridge and brought it over to the sink to run it under hot water for a little bit, I did a lot of reading about babies in my free time, and learned a thing or two to prepare for my return.

Hopefully Cassidy forgives me for everything I've put her through.

When the bottle was warm enough, I put it into her mouth and she immediately started drinking.

I smiled under my mask and went back upstairs continuing to feed and burp my baby.

I took down my mask and gave Darcy some kisses on the cheek while she was falling back to sleep in my arms.

"You're a natural," Dawn said.


I placed my finger in her tiny hand and she automatically closed it.

The sound of the shower stopped and I pulled my mask back up to wait for Cassidy's arrival.




"Why didn't you tell me?" Darcy asked me on the drive back to my place.

"Because I was going to handle everything"

"You lied to me"

"I know"

"I knew Josephine did it but it was hard to believe it"

"Why didn't you tell me you were pregnant?"

"If you were in my situation would you?"

"Fuck no"

"I didn't say anything because I didn't want you judging me or thinking I'm all used up, and because It hurt a lot when it died I just thought it wasn't anyone's business but mine"

"That's understandable but I could never judge you Darc"


"You look pretty," I stopped at a red light and looked her up and down, she was wearing a white and pink dress with a thin light pink sweater, then on her feet she had on some white Mary Janes while those cute floral socks with flaps that hang all around her ankles.

"Thanks," she folded her arms over her chest and rolled her eyes.

"You're welcome Darc," I placed my hand on her chin and admired her one last time before continuing to drive when I saw that the light turned green.

"Jaiden I love you, and I don't want you to end up hurt or worse, my ex is dangerous"

"She's going to come after me anyways because I'm with you that's it that's all but I'm not scared of her"

"I am Jaiden, I'm scared of her, I'm scared of what she'll do to you"

"You ain't gotta worry about that"

"But all I do is worry, I don't want to see you hurt or worse Jaiden she almost beat you to death"

"Imma be okay just relax"

I placed my hand on her thigh while keeping one hand on the steering wheel.

"It's really hard to believe that"

"I promise Darc"


"Baby don't be like that"

I pulled over to the side walk and parked.

"Why are we stopping?"

"So you can look at me"

She sighed and turned her whole body toward me with her arms crossed over her stomach.

"I promise I'm going to be okay whatever happens I'll handle it better then I did last time I promise you Darcy"

"I don't wanna see you hurt anymore"

"But at least I'm alive"

I grabbed her by her chin and kissed her lips.


I slid my hands down to her waist to pull her into me while she climbed onto my lap. I cupped her cheek and we locked lips and they perfectly matched one another as we continued kissing.

She grabbed me by the back of my head pulling me deeper into to kiss, and my hands were still placed on her waist. I moved my hands down to the bottom of her dress and pulled it up taking it off of her.

"Jaiden it's been so long"

"I know"


I forgot about this book yall my bad I just had this sitting in my drafts, it's unfinished and I was going to write more, but I literally have to think of something new because I forgot so cliffhanger so far.😯

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12 ⏰

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