2 - We Can't Spend Our Time Regretting

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The boy I'd been assigned to hadn't stopped talking the whole time, but I think it was more to make me feel more comfortable than anything else. I wasn't really listening to what was being said, sort of looking down at the ground as we moved along, only catching little bits of conversation here and there when he was explaining where things were and what time classes were at, where they hung out for breaks and lunches, or the alternative to sitting inside the canteen during them... I made a mental note to find a notice board somewhere that could tell me all this without having to speak to anyone.

I glanced up in front of me to see that we were now in a slightly warmer looking corridor, numbers and names on doors of students. I kept my eye out for his name, guessing that mine wouldn't be on it yet but so far there was nothing. I tore my gaze away and looked to him: he was pulling one of my suitcases behind him, I didn't really want him to, but I couldn't say anything without saying something, so I resulted to letting him pull my case along while I took my other in one hand and carried my bag in the other.

I stared towards the other side of the corridor, where all the windows were and watched as the scene changed ever so slightly as we walked along, like one big broken panoramic photograph, split off into sections. It was rows of trees, bushes and grass, all green and blending in together, but I couldn't help letting my mind start to drift off as I thought back to a park I used to go to, the one colour triggering some kind of memory as I walked.

I felt something brush against the side of my foot very gently but I ignored it and kept going, thoughts of playing on the swings and in the giant wooden fort, jumping on the roundabout which was already going too fast so that you would go flying off it in another direction, normally ending up hurting yourself - but you still went back and did it again. I smiled a little at the memories of swinging from the monkey bars, pretending that the ground was lava and that you-

"Cyrus?" I heard a voice call from behind me and I frowned a little as I was pulled from my thoughts. I turned back round to see Drew standing outside a door a few down from where I was. It took me a moment to realise that while I'd been daydreaming we'd not only reached the room that we would be sharing, but because I was so caught up in my mind I'd completely ignored him, and the thing I'd felt touch my foot had been the case he was pulling when he pulled it to a stop.

He actually looked a little upset, disheartened even that I'd basically fucked off and not been paying attention, I even had to hold myself back from sighing and rolling my eyes as I made my way back down to him.He watched me the whole time, the small frown slowly disappearing until I was slightly to the side of him and he opened the door. 

It was a fairly plain little room: two single beds, one set of sheets with black and white stripes and the other blue stripes, and that one was unmade and had pajamas messily chucked into the pile. Both beds had a bedside cabinet with a light on top and there was a large bookcase in the middle of that, two small windows above both the beds. There were two doors as well, one having a bathroom sign on it, so I could only assume that the other was a cupboard for clothes and cases. The side that had the blue sheets, obviously Drew's, had couple of shelves with books, a picture in a frame and some kind of action figure. Beside the bed was a pile of comics that almost reached up to his mattress. There were also some posters up on the walls, a few bands I was guessing, but I'd never even heard of them, so they probably weren't my kind of music. The other side of the room looked dull and boring compared to his as there was nothing personal over there, not that that would change very much even when he was staying here.

"This is your bed right here, you basically get to use half of everything furniture wise. There's the chance to get some more storage boxes for under the bed to put things in if you need them, you just go and ask and some of the on site teachers will sort that out for you."

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