3 - After All These Moments

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I stared at the door in a moment of shock, not quite processing what had just happened there. I had thought of a few outcomes from me going in to speak with the new boy, but having the door slammed in my face certainly wasn't one of them. The shock slowly started to fade from inside me and instead started to get angry at this. I'd been wanting to help this whole time, and I didn't want it being flung back in my face.

I walked up to the door and banged my fist against it, trying to see if he would answer it but there was nothing, no sound or movement from the other side of the door. I waited a moment before banging on it again, but still nothing. "I was only trying to help!"

I waited again for something, anything, that would suggest he was around or even up for letting me back in to talk to him, but there was nothing. I stepped back with a sigh and lightly kicked the door before walking off, stuffing my hands into my jeans pockets. 

If Drew hadn't managed to get detention after classes for falling asleep then I wouldn't have to be checking in on the new kid and making sure that he hadn't destroyed their room, or tried to run off. Here was me trying to be nice and get alone, not leave the kid in the dark and by himself all the time because he wasn't ready to go to a few school classes for five hours a day. 

"Next time, Kemp, maybe we'll let Laurence deal with it. He can be nice," I muttered to myself, feeling a smile creep onto my face at the thought of my tall friend who looked menacing as hell when he was sleep deprived - normally from school and being up all night writing his stories - to anyone who didn't know him. That would definitely be a funny sight to have.

I wondered where he was actually... Where they were all hanging out until dinner, other than Drew who was probably falling asleep in detention... And that would mean that someone would need to check in on Cyrus all over again... In that case, it was Laurence and Luke's turn, they can deal with it. I pulled my phone out and sent a quick group text to the three of them, finding out where they were and what they were wanting to do tonight, Drew immediately texting back with a "fuck off, you know where I am" and causing me to smile a lot.

It took another few moments to get a reply from the other two, a two word reply from Luke saying "games room" and another from Laurence was "watching Luke". Some stupid game he was playing then, probably a war game of some kind... I didn't pay attention to whatever it was he was doing, I normally sat and played guitar quietly, putting tunes with some songs that Laurence had written and then writing alone to some of my own.

Another sigh escaped my lips as I looked up, putting my foot out to start heading down the stairs but suddenly the floor wasn't there anymore and I felt myself falling forward. My eyes went wide and I felt my heart jump from my chest as my whole body plummeted down, and out of instinct I grabbed onto the railing at the side, spinning my whole body round except my ankle and I cried out in pain, landing hard on my back.


I rolled down the stairs a little, hissing as my ankle bounced from the stairs and crying out again when I tried to put some weight on it. The railing only went to the bottom of the stairs and then it was a few rooms down and round the corner to the games room, I wasn't even surprised that no one had heard me yelping in pain from the shouts that I could hear - namely Luke shouting all kinds of things at the game he was playing.

I glanced behind me, to see if there was anything that had tripped me up, or if I really had just missed the step (a lot) and was just being an idiot, but there was nothing there that would suggest it. 

"You fucking clumsy asshole," I mumbled to myself as I tightened my grip onto the rail and pulled myself up, not putting any weight on my sore ankle and hopped down the stairs, nearly falling over again from my lack of balance and cursed under my breath. When I got to the bottom I balanced on the wall and attempted to put even a little weight on my foot but nothing and I flopped back onto the floor again on my hands and knees. "The jokes if those dicks saw me right now..."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2016 ⏰

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