1 - Even Ghosts Forget

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I woke with a yawn, rolling onto my side and nearly falling off my bed with a slightly girly sounding squeak - which in turn then woke my ebony haired roommate, Laurence up. And he didn't look too pleased at this idea of waking up earlier than he had to.

"Sorry buddy," I said, rubbing my eyes which was met only with a grunt in response as he climbed out of bed. He tugged slightly at the boxers he'd been wearing to bed before wandering through to the bathroom, mumbling something about going for a shower.

I lay on my back and stared at the ceiling as my  AC/DC poster stared back, letting out a little sigh. I couldn't be bothered with classes today, but I knew I wouldn't get off with pulling a sick day: not only was it the first day back to normal time tabled classes after the October holidays - our last ones at this school - but my bedroom was in the school. The benefits of going to a boys boarding school.

I didn't even know what I had today and I honestly couldn't be bothered with doing anything...surprise, surprise right there. 

I sighed once again and closed my eyes, thinking about getting another few minutes of sleep before I absolutely had to be up. Didn't want to start the year getting yelled at by my teachers for being late. Again.

"Come on, I'm up now which means you don't get to sleep either," Laurence said as he walked out, throwing a towel at me and causing my eyes to open back up and look across at my wet haired friend.

I threw the towel back at him, "I had one last night, I can't be bothered to have one this morning," I grumbled as I stripped from my pajama bottoms and got changed into my uniform... Well, half of it seeing as skinny jeans didn't really count but ah well.

I wrapped my tie round my neck and turned round to my tall friend, "Could you be an absolute gem and do my tie for me?" I asked, batting my eyelashes at him.

It earned me a roll of his eyes and he wandered over, tying it and tugging it up so it was sitting in the right place before he moved off to do his own and sort out his eyeliner, putting his glasses in his jumper pocket for later in class. As he moved over to the small mirror sitting on the window ledge there was a knock on the door, something that I'd been expecting since I'd woken up - and I was surprised to see that he'd left us for a little while longer.


I grinned as I opened the door and hugged my friend tight, leaping out my room and to him which clearly caught him off guard as he stumbled back, chuckling.

"Hey there Kemp, so happy to see you too," he said as he hugged me tight back, "Also fairly happy to see that you're awake, which saves me a whole lot of effort."

"You can just use that tomorrow then, because there's no way in hell this is becoming a regular thing," I laughed, stepping back and ruffling his hair.

He rolled his eyes, "I was just coming to tell you guys to come down to breakfast, Drew and Seth are already down there saving the rest of us some seats and our usual table, so hurry up - you too Beveridge!"

"I am ready," Laurence said, hopping out our room as he pulled on his boots, grinning at the pair of us.

"Well I still have to put my eyeliner on, can't go downstairs without that," I chirped, skipping back into my room, ignoring the groans and sighs that came from the two. I don't know who it was, but one mumbled something about me being worse than a girl - if it was Beveridge then he was a hypocrite, if it was Luke...then I might let him off.

 I didn't take too long and within a few minutes we were on our way downstairs, wandering through the cold, stone corridors and into the food hall, where Drew and Seth were easy to spot...seeing as they were the only ones there.

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