In the walls

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It was difficult enough knowing that I was solely responsible for the safety of four people in the upside down, but when those four people don't stay together, it makes my job harder.

Not that they know that I've given myself that job, they would more than likely protest to it if I did tell them. I know that they are all very capable, but I have a certain advantage, especially down here. If everything I've learned about this place is true, then my powers are somehow connected to this place.

I kept having to stop myself from thinking about what I had seen when I was unconscious. I can't tell if I'm finally remembering how I got my tattoo, or if everything I have been told about El and the labs has caused my brain to make up a false memory in place of what happened.

I shook myself off my thoughts, bringing myself to the present again. I glanced over my shoulder at Eddie and Steve who were walking side by side. "Can you guys hurry up?" I called out, worry sitting in my chest.

Just as I spoke, another earthquake occurred. I braced myself against a tree as the ground shook violently.

"Second on my list of least favorite things, earthquakes. Seriously, I'm unsteady enough as it is." Robin called out over the rumbling noise

When the earthquake started to die out, Nancy suddenly sprung up on her feet and took off through the woods. I sighed heavily and let go of the tree I was leaning on, chasing after the girl.

"Nancy! Dani! Where are you going?" Robin called out after us

I followed her until she came to a stop. I stood next to her and noticed her house in the distance. It wasn't far away. I could see the bright red thunder clouds even clearer from where we stood.

"Nancy! Dani!" Robin called out as the three of them caught up to us.

"Come on." Nancy stated before she began to walk forward

The four of us followed after her, heading towards her house. I glanced over at Steve, only to find his eyes were all ready on me. I gave him a small smile that was probably more of a nervous grimace, but he returned the gesture anyway.

"Okay, we need to stop separating. How am I supposed to protect you all if you won't stick together?" I stated

"Hey, you don't have to protect us. I protect you, remember?" Steve said, referencing the time in starcourt mall when he told me he would protect me from the monster.

"Yeah, I remember." I said with a small smile

Nancy placed her hand on my arm for a moment. "Hey, we protect each other, okay?"

I nodded to her. Protecting each other sounded like a good plan. It took some of the pressure from off my shoulders. I wasn't solely responsible for everyone, and if something were to happen to me, they would have my back.

It didn't take us long to make it to the wheelers home. Nancy stepped up to the front door and slowly opened it, cautiously looking inside in case there was a creature inside. I hovered over her shoulder beside Steve who was shining his light into the house.

Cautiously, we all stepped inside. It was exactly as I remember the house to look like, except for the dark vines that grew all throughout the house and the black dust that swirled ominously in the air. It had seen better days.

"Might be time to get a maid, Wheeler." Robin said jokingly

"Come on. I don't want to stay here longer than we have to." Nancy said, clearly feeling uncomfortable about being in this version of her home.

She headed up the stairs towards her bedroom and Robin and Eddie followed after her. Steve began to make his way up the stairs and I followed after him, but he suddenly paused and held his hand out to stop me.

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