no fucking way

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"hey man," kirishima said once sero opened the door to his place. bakugo (who was there unwillingly) was standing beside him, while kaminari and mina stood behind them.

"great! you're all here," sero smiled brightly as he went to close his door, leaving his friends to take off their shoes and jackets. "you can just leave those on the hangers, my rooms upstairs."

the group followed the dark-haired boy up the stairs, eventually arriving at his room (which was nearly identical to the one he had in the UA dorms).

"before you go in," sero stopped in front of his door, hand on the doorknob as he turned his head to his friends behind him. "try not to be so...much."

"well, that's rude."

"denki, i'm being serious," before sero could keep preparing his friends, he had to catch himself from falling backward.

y/n had opened the door.

"sorry, babe," y/n chuckled as she grabbed sero's arm, standing him up properly. "you were taking too long. i got bored"

"no," kaminari started, mouth agape.

"fucking," mina followed.

"way," and kirishima completed.

"okay, that shit had to be rehearsed," sero groaned as he walked into his room, his friends following. y/n giggled as she sat on sero's bed, sero sitting beside her.

"they wouldn't shut up on the way here," bakugo scoffed before sitting down on sero's desk chair.

"hey, it's you," y/n locked eyes with bakugo. "hanta and i ran into you that one time!"

"WHAT?" kaminari and kirishima exclaimed.

"bakugo! you let us make fun of sero knowing he had a girl?!"

"was none of my business," he shrugged.

"anyways," sero awkwardly chuckled. "why don't we watch a movie!"

"we should," y/n nodded as she reached for sero's remote on his bedside table. "you guys can decide."

kaminari lit up, asked y/n for the remote, and went to put on his favorite movie.

"denki we are not watching the lego batman movie again."

"oh, come on!"

no way! | 𝘩. 𝘴𝘦𝘳𝘰✓Where stories live. Discover now