My vacation -3-"

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(So here's a quick story...I hope you enjoy it cause it was the worst experience I've had in a long time -3-")

So my family decided to go on vacation to Florida, yea it was fun but the ride there....ALL THE FUCKING WAY THERE, if a guy drove past us my sister would be like "that dude is hot... THAT GUY IS CUTE!!!!!! MOMMA THAT COP IS HOT DRIVE UP TO HIM" although one time we wanted to mess with a dude so we drove up to him and all the girls in our car stared at him. When he noticed, HIS FACE WAS PRICELESS!!!! XD
When we got to the beach house...there was something off about it. It just felt creepy. I stayed up every night there. I felt like someone or something was at the door. And yes I did sleep on the couch, there was three creepy dolls in the room I was supposed to be in. I'm like HELL TO THE NO!!!!
We did go to the Gulf of Mexico beach thing and I ended up swallowing the water. SALT WATER TASTES DISGUSTING!!!!!
On the way back my sister was like "omg that guy is smexy...." Right then and there I had enough...I knocked her out and was like "SHUT YOUR DAMN MOUTH" I lost my phone for a bit then ;-; I also wasn't able to bring my phone to the beach house either

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