History Lesson

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"Do you know someone with the name 'Al Ghul' in it"

Silance suddenly filled the room, to an extent they can hear their own breaths

Geeting the message that this topic is off limit " I shouldn't ask?" she murmured feeling that she made a mistake of asking such a question.

" N--o No, its not like it's a secret. But, why the sudden interest?" he raised his voice so that she wouldn't feel bad. He is right though its not like its an international secret or something.

" well, I heard that name from somewhere. So, I thought why not ask the son of master detective himself, right.?" Smiling a big smile trying so hard to hide her own nervousness.

" Somewhere? Yeah, like from the roof?" he teased

" You said you would not ask, liar" she sulked just like little kids, cute.

" Yeah sorry couldn't help it" he said while giggling from seeing her sulking, " well, if you are that curios and you asked politely, let uncle Richard tell you the story of 'Al Ghul' " he said it so dramatically she couldn't help it but giggle while rolling her eyes when he called himself an uncle, he is like 20.

"Let me tell you about their leader and his daughter. Oh, and there's a guy I used to know, who had quite the run-in with them. Let's call him... the Caped Crusader. Adds a bit of mystery, don't you think?"

Raven rolled her eyes but smiled. "Sure, why not."

"Alright, so picture this," Dick started, leaning back on his hands. "The al Ghuls are like the mafia of the assassin world. Their leader, Ra's al Ghul, is this ancient, terrifying guy. He's lived for centuries, thanks to these mystical pits called Lazarus Pits. They can heal any wound, bring you back from the brink of death. Of course, they come with a side of madness, but that's a minor detail, right?"

Raven nodded, intrigued. "Sounds like a delightful family."

"Oh, absolutely," Dick laughed. "And then there's his daughter, Talia. She's a piece of work. Smart, deadly, and beautiful. Imagine a Bond girl, but, you know, more lethal. Now, our Caped Crusader, he crossed paths with these two quite a bit. Ra's had this grand vision of cleansing the world of its corruption. A noble cause, if it didn't involve killing millions."

"So, a typical Saturday night for us?" Raven quipped.

"Pretty much," Dick grinned. "Now, the Caped Crusader, he was always a step ahead, always ready to stop Ra's plans. But here's the twist: Talia was... infatuated with him. I mean, who wouldn't be? Tall, dark, and brooding—classic bad boy charm."

Raven smirked. "Sounds like someone I know."

"Who, me?" Dick feigned innocence. "I prefer 'roguishly handsome.' Anyway, Talia's feelings made things complicated. One minute, she's trying to kill him, the next, she's saving his life. And he... well, he had this thing for saving people, even those who probably didn't want to be saved."

"That's a dangerous game," Raven mused.

"Tell me about it," Dick agreed. "Now, the Caped Crusader and his sidekick—let's call him the Boy Wonder—were a dynamic duo. They were like peanut butter and jelly, always getting into sticky situations. One time, they stumbled upon one of Ra's hidden bases in the Himalayas. It was classic: snow, ninjas, the works."

"Let me guess, they had to fight their way out?" Raven asked, leaning forward.

"Oh, you bet. But before the big showdown, Ra's tried to recruit the Caped Crusader. He saw him as a worthy heir, someone to carry on his legacy. He even called him 'Detective'—a term of respect from someone like Ra's."

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