Chapter 2~ truth

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~Alice's POV~
Sitting up I screamed. that was horrible. rubbing my head I picked up my phone from my bedside table.
2:24 am
I sighed and pulled my covers back over my head.

~8:00 am~
I crawled out of bed and padded downstairs. my bare feet made no sound on the floor as I entered the kitchen area. As I was making a cup of coffee the front door lender and the six boys charged in.
"Back so soon?" I asked laughing
"We thought you would miss us" Josh said picking up my coffee mug
"Hey! That's mine!" I whined
"Not anymore" he said taking a sip
"Fine I'll just make another then" I huffed
"You do that" he replied
"So what you doing today?" I asked
"We are just meeting Louis until 10 and then the rest of the day off" dayl said
"Wanna hang out?" Cian asked
"Sure. doesn't Louis have a pool? I haven't really explored but I'm sure he said something" I rambled
"Yeah. how about we do that?" Ryan smiled
"Cool. imma just go and shower. see you later" I smiled walking upstairs

~Josh's POV~
Wow she was cute. I really don't know where this is coming from but wow. I loved the way she smiled and how she looked.

~Dayl's POV~ 11 am~
"I never new girls took so long to get changed" dean complained
"I'll go see where she is" I sighed seeing as I hadn't gotten into the pool yet.
"Hurry back" Brendan yelled

"Alice! What's keeping you?" I yelled barging into her room
"Dayl!" She yelled
Holy shit.
"What's all this?" I asked gesturing to her
"It's nothing" she sighed
"Yes. it's something. who did this?" I asked taking her hands and guiding her to sit on her bed. "I want the truth" I said
"Um well I never told you the reason I came here did I?" She asked
"No" I replied
"Well basically my boyfriend asked me to move in with him. by this point I was already wary of him because one of my best friends is a guy and he kept getting on edge when he was around. but I loved him so I moved in and then it all started. he began... hitting me, taking out all his anger on me. he said I was worthless and stupid and pathetic and I believed him. he shut me in, stopped me going out, seeing my friends.... then he got drunk. he was in with a bad crowd. drugs, drinking, all of it. Two nights before I came here he..... hit me. so many times and so hard so when he was asleep I ran. that's how I ended up here."
"Oh shit" I trailed off. "do you want to come down still? You don't have to but if you do I'll explain."
"No. don't. I'll come down in a jumper. you can't do or say anything. Please" she pleaded
"Okay. come on then" I said pulling her up
"Thanks dayl" she said hugging me.

Where I belong~ Josh Gray/hometown fanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora