18. That I can't get out of bed,

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AN: HEY GUYS I just wanted to say real quick -) if you like this story, you might like my other one even more!! Check it out on my page!! Heart at risk - rxlicias
—What if Penelope were pregnant and the stress of dealing with Colin and Eloise after the Whistledown reveal put her at risk of losing the baby? How would Colin and Eloise react and be able to live with themselves?—

Let's get back to this story:
Penelope glanced around the room, ensuring all was in order before approaching Colin's bedside. The evening shadows lengthened, casting a warm glow from the fireplace. She carried a small tray with a pitcher of water, a cup, and a bowl of broth.

'Colin, you need to keep hydrated and have some nourishment,' she said gently, placing the tray on the small table beside the bed. Colin's eyes followed her movements, filled with a blend of admiration and something deeper he tried to mask.

As she turned to look at him, he quickly averted his gaze, pretending to focus on the ceiling. 'Penelope, you are fussing over me too much,' he said, his tone light yet affectionate.

Penelope raised an eyebrow, a small smile tugging at her lips. 'Nonsense. The doctor said you need to rest and recover. I am simply following orders.' Colin's eyes flicked back to her, taking in her determined expression. He couldn't help but feel a surge of affection and admiration for her. Despite the worry etched on her face, there was a strength in her gaze that he found utterly captivating.

'Fine,' he conceded with a mock sigh, 'but only if you promise not to stay up all night worrying.' Penelope chuckled softly, her eyes sparkling. 'Deal. Now, let's get you comfortable.' She helped him sit up slightly, arranging the pillows behind him. Colin winced slightly at the movement, but he appreciated her gentle touch.

'Thank you, Penelope,' he murmured, his voice filled with genuine gratitude. She nodded, carefully lifting the bowl of broth and bringing it to his lips. 'Drink this. It will help.'

Colin sipped the warm broth, his eyes never leaving hers. As he drank, he noticed the way her hair fell softly around her face, the firelight playing off its rich hue. Her hands, though small, were strong and steady as she tended to him.

Once he had finished, Penelope set the bowl aside and offered him a drink of water. Colin took a few sips before lying back against the pillows, feeling a bit more comfortable. 'Now, you rest,' Penelope instructed, her voice soft but firm.

Colin smiled at her, his eyes twinkling with a mix of mischief and affection. 'Yes Mrs. Bridgerton, But you must rest too.'

Penelope's smile faltered slightly as she looked at him, her worry resurfacing. 'I will,' she promised. She hesitated for a moment, then leaned down and kissed his forehead. 'Goodnight, Mr. Bridgerton.'

Penelope moved quietly out the room, her silhouette graceful in the soft glow of the firelight. She entered the bathroom, and Colin listened to the soft sounds of water and the rustle of fabric. When Penelope emerged, Colin's breath caught in his throat. She had changed into a nightgown that was nothing short of stunning. The gown was a delicate shade of lavender, its sheer fabric flowing elegantly around her. The design accentuated her figure in a way that made Colin's heart race. The gown's soft, translucent material highlighted the gentle curve of her waist and the graceful line of her collarbone, making her look both ethereal and striking.

Penelope moved with a quiet grace, her steps light and deliberate back to their bed. She glanced at Colin, who was now watching her with a look of awe and something else—something deeper that he struggled to conceal.

'Colin,' Penelope said softly, her voice breaking the spell. 'Is there anything else you need before you try to rest?'

Colin blinked, trying to regain his composure. 'No, I believe you have taken excellent care of me,' he replied, his voice slightly husky. 'But I must say, you look... incredible.' Penelope's cheeks flushed lightly, and she gave him a modest smile. 'Thank you.'

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