Chapter One: The New Girl

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This is my very first book and I am really nervous. But thank you so much for reading any who let's get to the story!!            Media   ^
                                         | what Lucy Thinks when she gets bullied.

Lucy's POV

Well I guess this is it.. I thought to myself. I walk into the office with my dad a little ways ahead of me. When my mom died a couple months ago my father couldn't stand looking at the house. So he decided that we had to move. It wasn't that hard for me since I had no friends and no one really ever talked to me. " Lucy? Are you okay darling?" (A/N I decided to make Lucy have a good relationship with her dad so it would be easier for them both) " I'm fine dad. Thanks." I said back very quietly putting on a fake smile as we entered my new school. I was shy at first, but then I started to feel a little bit better. I walked into my first class and just stood there with a slight hint of blush on my face. "Ahh, welcome Lucy! Class we have a new student." The teacher said. I looked down at my schedule and it said that this was Mr. Guildarts. "Hello" I said very weakly. "Why don't you introduce your self to the class so we all get to know you better?" "Okay. My name is Lucy Heartfilia I'm 17 and I just moved here to magnolia from Japan. I live with my dad." I put on a fake smile and bow to Mr. Guildarts and then the class. " you can sit next to Erza Scarlet and Levy Mcgarden. Ladies please stand up." A girl with red hair and a girl with blue hair stood up. "My name is Erza Scarlet. Nice to meet you. I hope we can become good friends." I walked over and shook her hand. Then the blue haired girl spoke and said "and I'm Levy Mcgarden. I hope we can read together some time." I smiled and sat down in between the two girls. I felt comfortable by them. But I knew I couldn't make friends. It would only be harder for me if I have to move again. I felt like someone was watching me so I looked around and I saw a pink haired boy with onyx eyes. We made eye contact and I blushed before looking away. Erza leaned over and whispered " Dont get caught in his web. He's the most popular guy in school and is the team captain of the football team. Be careful to stay away from him" I looked at her and nodded.

Natsu POV

I just stared at the girl who walked in. She spoke quickly and quietly as she introduced her self. Her voice was soft and gentle but it also had a tiny hint of sadness in it. She must be shy... I thought to myself. I continue to stare at her and smile to myself. "Whatcha starin' at Flame Brain?" Gray... "Nothing Ice princess." I said angrily "don't look like nothin to me" Gray said teasingly. I ignored him and went back to looking at the girl. She is really pretty I thought. She sat down next to Erza who was student council pres. She looked at me at I just stared into her Brown chocolate orbs. She blushed and looked away. Erza leaned in and whispered something I couldn't make out. I only heard 'stay away from him' God dammit Erza. Why do you always ruin everything.

Lucy POV


I wake up on Monday morning three weeks after I started school at Fairy Tail high. I didn't want to ever go back. I didn't feel like getting bullied again. It had only been three weeks and I was already being bullied. I had told my so called "friend" Lisanna which I had met on my second day, that when I was 13 I had been raped by my father's co-worker. Well word got out but the story changed to where he paid me to have- God I don't want to even say it. But now most of the school thinks that I'm some kind of girl who goes around asking guys to pay me so I could have "it" with them.... I got up and went to my drawer of my dresser and pulled out a black long sleeved shirt and some black skinny jeans that were a little loose. I walk into my bath room and I brush my hair and teeth and start to do my make up: a little water proof mascara, very light pink lipstick with a little bit of lip gloss on top of the lipstick and a little bit of eye liner on my water line with a small cat eye. I had started bad habits with sharp items. It was what helped me so I did. I grab my backpack and head out the door. I lock it and begin my walk to school. Where the torture would begin.

Natsu POV

I wake up and think about the one thing that was constantly on my mind for the past few days since she started dressing like it was cold outside even though it was summer. Why does she always wear long sleeves? I get up and get ready. I felt like something was going to happen to me today so I wore my favorite put outfit. A red shirt with flames coming up from the bottom and a black vest with what looked like Dragon wings on fire on the back and some black jeans. I finally get ready after brushing my teeth and fixing my room and bed. I ran down stairs and said good bye to mom, dad, and my little sister Wendy who was going to Fairy Tail middle school. I walk out the door and start walking to school. I get to the gates and wish outside waiting for the bell to ring so that all of the other students and I waiting outside could go in. The bell rang and that's when I heard the scream........

Well what do you think so far?? What will Natsu do once he hears the scream? Who was the one who screamed? Why did they scream?

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