Chapter 2

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Hello everyone. I know I haven't updated in a while but I just don't know what to write anymore with this story but anyway Here we go I'm sorry if this chapter is bad ^_^ ( /^ω^/ )


I started running towards where the scream was. What I saw was terrifing. There was Lucy, being dragged out of the bathroom by Mira with her sleeves up, and cuts all up and down her arms, bleeding. Tears came to my eyes as I see her eyes rolling to the back of her head. Was that why she always wore long sleeves? I thought to myself. "She finnally did it! That slut deserved to die." Someone in the crowd said. My blood started boiling at those words. Erza and Levy busted through the crowd with a paremedic team right behind them. "Who would do all of this?" Levy said as she had tears rolling down her face staring at her best friend on a guerney. You're right levy. Who would do this? I thought to myself. I know I hadn't talked to her much besides a couple times in a few classes like math science and English. But the part of her that I had seen and heard from her was what really made her special and what drew me to like her. A lot. She seemed like a great person. Heck I think I might even have a small crush on her. She's such a strong beautiful girl. She didn't deserve all the rumors. That's probably why she wore long sleeves all the time. So no one would know that she was cutting herself......


I walked into the school because I always arrived early and went to the library so that I could study for the test that we had in math. On my way there I stopped at my locker and when I opened it, a note fell out of it. End it all now. No one wants you here anyway. Do it. End your pathetic life. No one even cares about it. Don't even waste the time to go home, do it wherever you want even at school you dirty slut. You should just die already. It's not like anyone wants you here anyway. I read as tears rolled down my face. I ran into the bathroom and pulled out my razor blade.
One cut....
Two cuts....
Three cuts....
Four cuts....
I kept going till I was smiling with tears rolling down my face. I don't know how many cuts I put on my porcelain arms. I didn't care. I wanted to be rid of this hell of a place. I couldn't stand it anymore. I wanted out. I think I was lying on the schools bathroom floor for about an hour and a half. Then Mira came in and screamed. Next thing I know, I'm out in the hall way with almost every single student in Fairy Tail High School surrounding me while I was lying down on the floor with my head on someone's lap. After that I see that kid Natsu. I thought he was a sweet guy. I think him a few of his friends and my friends, who were Erza, levy, Gajeel, Gray, Mira, and Elfman were the only ones who didn't believe the rumors about me. Me and Natsu had talked a few times but not a whole lot. The part I did hear and see from him was a nice caring guy. I think I might have a crush on him. Last thing I see is black.

________________________________________ THANK YOU SO MUCH MINNA~~~~ I'm very sorry I haven't updated but I didn't know what to do. Also I'm sorry that this chapter was short. Well you all know what to do...

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Bye minna~~

- Snowy-chan

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2016 ⏰

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