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Daniel's POV

Me and the others were telling Damian, how our mate came to school and told us she'll give us a chance. Damian may not show it but he's really sensitive to the mate topic because of a stupid mistake I made in the past.

But I'm glad that she won't give up on us, and Damian won't be sad again.

Damian glanced at me and I smiled at him nodding my head and his hand went to mine squeezing it a little. I intertwined my fingers with his as we saw Xavier stand up.

"You wanna see" he asked he pulled Ryker away from our mate and kissed him. This woke up Ryker as his eyes widened and he kissed Xavier back. I saw Damian's jaw drop as he looked at them shocked and in fear.

Xavier's eyes were on our mate as he bit Ryker's bottom lip and pulled on it. Did they really have to do it here? I want to kiss Ryker too but I stopped myself when I looked at our mate. She was enjoying it she unconsciously bit her bottom lip making me growl.

"annnnggggg.. "


"Enough both of you. Stop messing with her. She is new to this you know. "

Damian ordered them, bothered and annoyed as Ashley turned to look at him, but she wasn't bothered by anything, she wasn't disgusted or anything.

"You liked the view?" Xavier asked and she turned to look at them again as Ryker turned back to her and hugged her.

"that was hot. Do you have sex with each other as well?" I asked them excitedly and Damian's jaw dropped. It looks like I didn't tell him about her strange yaoi fandom. It was actually by accident I found it. She got a notification popped up on her phone during her class with me and she checked it in excitement. Because of jealousy and curiosity I peeked in and found it was notification for an update on yaoi manhwa or anime.

I decided not to tell anyone, it's her life, and I don't want her to feel insecure about anything or feel like she'll have changed herself because of us.

"Come on Damian she is our mate, of course it would be hot to her. " Xavier replied as he kissed her cheek and sat beside Ryker.

I know you want some too. Wanna come to my room tonight?

I heard Ryker in my head as he passed me secret looks. Not that anything is hidden from anyone.

Who's gonna top? I asked.

Me of course.

I agreed with him. Well. We've been doing this for a long time so it's not anything strange to us. I love Ryker's dominant side. When he's in bed he's the one always in control while Xavier..... He's the kink lover.

I was clinging to Damian when we caught Hunter's scent. I saw our mate turn in her seat as she locked her eyes with him.

This somehow brought a lot of joy and pride in my chest as our mates met. Her eyes went a little darker and I could feel the presence of her wolf.

I and others could feel Hunter's feelings and emotions as he looked at her. He was happy, shocked, confused but that didn't hide the truth that he was relieved after seeing her.

His smile showed it all. The most amazing part was, they kissed.

I could feel the happiness from others and that was enough. This is enough. Being with her, being able to see and talk to her, touch her was enough. For now.

When they pulled away Ashley was a blushing mess as he she hid her face in Hunter's neck and inhaled his scent to calm her down.

"How was it Princess? Do you like it?" Xavier teased as she cursed making Hunter chuckle.

My Mates || 𝙨𝙚𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙙 𝙚𝙙𝙞𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora