Chapter 7: The Walk

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The sun was beautiful in LA. You never imagined living here though. You always imagined living with your mom and sister and helping them in Ohio. You stumbled upon a art shop. You knew the things would be over priced, but you thought it would be fun to just look at them.

You walk in to hear classic music playing. The painting insides were beautiful. They had anywhere from Mona Lisa to a girl playing in a field of flowers. They were absolutely stunning. The girl in the painting reminds you of your own sister. She loved to play with flower and dandy lions. You smiled at the thought.

Before you even knew it a man grabbed your mouth to where you couldn't scream and whispered "Guess who?" In a deep voice. You calmed down and turned around to see that big goofy grin on Marks face. You couldn't help but to smile. "You're such a dork." You said and hit his arm. He laughed.

"So, what are you doing here?" He asked looking at some paintings. "Actually, I was going to ask you the same thing." You said getting in front of a painting he was looking at. You made eye contact. "You didn't just come in here because I was did you?" You asked. He stared for a moment. "What if I told you yes?" He grinned. You laughed and moved out of the way.

You grabbed the painting of the girl in the garden. It was a remarkable painting. You and Mark both walked to the cashier. "Is that all for you?" The cashier lady asked. He voice was soft. "Mhm, that will be it." You smiled pulling your wallet out. You pulled out a twenty, the painting was worth that. When you looked up, the lady had already put it in a bag and handed it to Mark. Mark had already paid for it. "You sneaky," you stopped yourself from cussing in front of the girl. You both walked out as the last smiled and waved.

"And why did you pay for that?" You asked taking the bag from him. "Payback from the museum." He said. You just smiled and kept walking. "So, what were you doing in town?" You asked trying to break the silence. "Well, you more milk. I didn't want you to buy it do I decided to go get some but I saw you and I had to say hey to you again." He grinned. You totally forgot about the whole milk thing. "Actually, hold on." He said running into a store. How convenient, a grocery store was right there.

He ran back out handing you the milk. He was kind of breathing heavy. He must of been running. "And here you go ma'am." He smiled. You returned the smile.

You both got back to the apartment. He opened your door for you and came in. "Thanks Mark, you've been a real help today." You said sitting the painting down and putting the milk up. You pulled your wallet out handing him the twenty you were going to give to the cashier lady. "Oh no, its okay." He said putting his hand up. You walked up to him and shoved it in his pocket. "Is this the part where I dance for you now?" He said laughing. You laughed with him.

You guys talked for a bit, mainly about his YouTube channel. "Maybe you should come over tomorrow and I can show you some video games." He said heading for the door. "Okay, but here's a warning now. I am horrible had video games." You said holding the door open. "Its fine, I can teach you. I have stuff like Minecraft, Gmod, Five Nights at Freddy's, and some other cool games." He said smiling. You nodded and said bye.

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