Chapter Three

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BBBBZZZZ! Hunter raised his hands, covering his head and grabbing the ear grazed by the bullet.

'What the hell?'

Training combined with survival instinct took over. Bent low, head down, he dashed to the safety of the back yard. As he yanked open the rickety gate the damn thing fell apart, rusty bolts separating from the rotten posts, falling in a mess behind him as he ditched on his knees behind the corner of the house.

Scanning the back yard, heart hammering against his ribs, ears ringing, stark fear and confusion were his only companions.

As Hunter looked around , listening, trying to process what just happened, he felt a trickle of blood drip down his neck. Reaching up to his left ear he found the rip caused by the bullet.

'Outer ear, nothing to worry about. It sure could have been worse, a few inches to the right would have been disastrous.'

The sick feeling in the pit of his stomach felt like a blessing in a way- proof positive that his hunches were right all along. The Daunting realization twisted his gut as he crouched in terror.

'The killer got away, the murder pinned on an innocent Thomas Miller, leaving a crazy person loose in his town! No fucking way! Someone is obviously watching the property or me... Who? And most importantly, why?' Oh hell, I'm screwed, no matter what!'

Molly had left two minutes ago! Not even enough time to deal with her well intentioned scolding.

'What if she'd still been here, total crap! No way will I allow Molly to be put in the middle of this. I've got to figure out what's going on now before she gets hurt, or worse...'

Hunter laid low on the ground behind the old house listening and agonizing over his next move.

There had been no cars driving by, no obvious threats. The bullet seemed to have come from nowhere. Nothing to go on.... Except...

There it was, a rather greenish bullet sticking out of the wood that had been behind him moments ago. The slug was lodged in the fallen gate, stuck in the rotten wood next to the latch inches from where he'd been standing.

Hunter stayed put behind the house, his mind in a whirlwind of terror and emotion.

'What kind of cop hides from a gun fight ? Oh hell, a man getting shot, without a clue as to where the shots are coming from. I've got to get my shit together! This is ridiculous, I'm not that guy! My mom, my family, needs the facts about Aunt Sherry's murder, I must, and will find it! Someone is heavily invested in keeping a secret , is that person is trying to kill me now? Ugh '

Lying in the dry grass considering his situation just long enough to feel the extreme need to pee, he carefully got to his feet keeping low behind the corner of the house. As he looked around, listening for any movement and hearing nothing, seeing no threat, he very quietly took the radio from his belt and hit the call button to headquarters. He hit three buttons simultaneously that would signal 'officer needs assistance' identifying his shield number. Thankfully the radios were equipped with GPS chips. No words necessary to summon backup to his exact location.

Knowing it would take four or five minutes for help to arrive, once again feeling relatively safe, his bursting bladder his only focus. Turning into the chest high bushes next to him, he unzipped his trousers and felt the immediate relief it afforded him.

That done, he waited for the backup officer, knowing what it meant. No excuse for being here would placate the Chief of police. He had a lot of explaining to do. It suddenly came to mind, that maybe a department member almost being killed here might be enough to convince the Chief to reopen the murder case.

A shiny tan unmarked car screeched to a stop at the curb in front of the house.

'Shit!' Hunters' whole body cringed taking in the reality of his predicament.

Chief of police, Riley Holmes slowly unfolded from the car looking around, scowling, radiating anger.

At five foot six, large belly exaggerated by his short frame, comical any other time but now. The Balding head, the red bulbous nose indicating his love for alcoholic spirits was generally considered hilarious to most of the officers. There was no smirk on Hunters' face now.

Since this was a distress call from Fabers' radio, Chief Holmes took time to look around, assessing the scene before leaving the security of his car.

As he rounded the car and stepped into the front yard, he bellowed- "Faber you stupid bastard, what the fuck are you doing here again?"

Chief Holmes, face crimson, eyes dark slits radiating rage, stomped towards Hunter ready to blow a gasket while Hunter slinked slowly to meet him by the destroyed gate.

"Chief, I know this looks bad, but there's definitely something more to this case"-Talking fast, not quite meeting his eyes-"Why else would I be standing here bleeding?"

"B'lieve me you're gonna be covered in more'n blood when I get through with you!"

"I found proof that someone's been hanging around here" the Chiefs' eyes widened as Hunter slipped the evidence bag from his pocket and held it out. "This was in the area where Sherrys' body was discovered, think about it, why shoot at me for being here if there's no cover up to protect? Whoever committed this murder is still out there and paying real close attention to this place."

Holmes grabbed the plastic bag, turned it over in his hands and tossed it to the ground in disgust.

"Faber you are so damn stupid! Who cares if you found some trash here now? It was years ago-wasn't here after the murder so it's just trash! Now get your sorry ass to the emergency room and get that ear looked at, then straight back to the station and file your report. It better be on my desk first thing in the morning!"

"Yes sir- right after I bag the slug- it's lodged in the gate."

" There's a team on the way, they can do that. Now get outta here and remember, first thing in the morning, no excuses kid or I'll have your shield and your balls by lunch time!"

The chief stood with his feet planted in a wide stance, arms folded across the round belly, watching Hunter stalk toward his car. After the detective pulled out of site, he bent over, picked up the evidence bag putting it in his pocket while looking around. Digging into the other pocket he approached the shattered gate and pulled out his Swiss pocket knife. Digging the bullet out sloppily as it would never see an evidence bag. It finally popped out and he shoved it into his trouser pocket.

'If Faber doesn't quit nosing around here I'll put a damn shock collar on that bastard, and if he gets withing fifty yards of this place, bbbbzzzz!'

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