Part Four

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As Hunter made his way to the emergency room at Mercy Hospital, he was still trying to process the latest events as blood trickled slowly down from the torn ear. There would be plenty of time for reflection, the hospital that contracted with his union was thirty five miles out of town. He could go to a local 'walk in clinic', but that was only covered in an emergency. If injuries were life threatening, the Medivac Helicopter transport could get a patient to Mercy Hospital in a matter of minutes. With this kind of low level wound, he'd make the trip on his own.

'It all happened so fast!' He grumbled to himself. 'What the hell is going on and why? This could have been my last day!' 

Driving and thanking God for sparing his life seemed to calm the nerves and allow his body to expel the adrenaline that coursed through his veins. His heartbeat slowed to a normal pace and so did the blood coming from the ear.

Turning onto the highway he spotted Molly's black & white parked by the Starburst Coffee House. Knowing that was out of character for her while on duty, he made the split second decision to swing in to make sure she was okay. As he pulled into a parking space, she looked through the picture window by the front booth , the two locked eyes. Suddenly she jumped up with terror written all over her face.

'Damn, she saw the blood on my shirt. This was a bad idea, she's gonna rip me a new one for sure, he cringed inwardly. Oh well, too late now.'

     Molly materialized next to his car before he could undo his seat belt. He hurriedly stepped from the car to reassure her.

     "What happened? Are you hurt?" She blurted out.

     "Molly calm down, I'm fine". Stroking her hair as he spoke seemed only natural. "It's just a torn ear, nothing serious, I was on my way to get it stitched up when I saw your car." Trying to change the subject, "What are you doing here anyways? Coffee to go is more your style on a work day."

"Not so fast Faber!" Emerald green eyes stabbed sharp, very sharp daggers in his direction. "You will tell me right now what in the hell is going on! And I swear on your life, if you lie or leave anything out I'll.....I'll......"

   Twenty minutes later they headed back out to the highway. As they neared the outskirts of town the landscape opened up and flattened out. Nothing but open fields for miles. Some were planted with corn, some wheat, soybeans and the occasional empty space. Fallow fields, the locals called them. It was common practice to rotate the crops every couple years to different fields and leave some empty for a season or two to let the soil rest and recover it's nutrients.

Conversation was sparse or maybe even nonexistent up to this point. Hunter wasn't in a hurry to get her riled up again and Molly was trying to get her emotions under control before she said something  she'd regret.

"Okay, spill it." She said softly, staring out the passenger side window. "How did your ear get torn up?" Molly braced herself, knowing whatever was coming wouldn't be good.

Hunter took a deep breath and held it for a few seconds before exhaling, he began telling the story, beginning to end, leaving nothing out. He finished with a glance at her, still looking out her window in silence.

      "Molly?" Putting a gentle hand on her shoulder, "Are you okay? Say something, please! I didn't ask  that ass to shoot me, I was scared half to death and I don't mind telling you, I still am. If I didn't feel the need to explain myself to you and be at the hospital before I file the report, I wouldn't have you riding with me. It probably isn't the best way to keep you safe and that has got to be my top priority."

" You're an ignorant jerk Hunter! I'm not a stupid person, yes I'm female, but maybe that works in my favor. I'm a police officer and you will not treat me like some dumb bimbo. You expect me to understand all your crazy shit with your nutty  20 year old case , solved , by the way, If that's the way you think , I don't know what to believe ,  the captain, the rest of the brass has told you to let it go, they are not questioning the facts, why do you? I'm done with you! I'm going to finally try for an entire nights sleep, now THAT is a pipe dream.
      'You are always my everything, everyone. '

I know this was a very short chapter, but you will understand when the next one comes out, call it a 'bridge'. A comment or a vote would be much appreciated!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2017 ⏰

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