Chapter 13: Catherine's POV

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Catherine's POV

A rumbling in the ground and wind blowing in my face is what I wake up to. I see Newt slowly open his eyes. Emily is already awake waiting at the opening door. We get up and run to it. Slowly, for what feels like ages, they finally open. No one is there to greet us. I stand in shock next to Emily. Both of us hug each other and cry, belting all emotions since we got to this place. Pain, sadness, fright, Jason, Minho!? I can't anymore. I let it all out. I don't even care if I'm screaming at the top of my lungs. I will. I can't even imagine what Emily is going through, she has always liked Ki, well Minho. I feel a warm presence wrap us both into a hug, Newt. He is so kind, always so selfless. Then I hear yelling and cheering. And suddenly Newt is gone. I look up and see Minho and Thomas carrying Alby. I don't even look at Newt I take off. I run and grab Minho into a bear hug, he almost falls over. "You must be happy to see me." He says smirking. I run over to Thomas and hug him, I don't even know him and yet I'm so happy he is safe. "Woah, uh thanks." He hugs back. Then he immediately lets go. I turn around and see Newt glaring. I run to him and leap on him. I start crying in his shoulder, but of joy. I'm so happy! I kiss him, and we stand together. Then I remember Alby. I turn around and Emily and Minho are slumped against the wall crying, well Emily is. She is clinging to him, as if he was the only thing keeping her alive. I see Thomas try and carry Alby. I walk over and grab Albys legs. I see Newt coming over and he grabs another one of Alby's legs, then Winston. The 4 of us carry him to the med-jack hut. I set him down on the bed and start grabbing supplies. Minho and Emily come through the door. "He was stung." Thomas says as we work together. I take off his shirt and make Winston wrap him. Me and Thomas grab some more supplies and hand it to him. "I think I've got it from here if yall want to leave and have a party." We walk out the door and stand in the field. "Thanks for the help." Thomas says looking at me. "Hey no problem, I knew you needed help."
"You are really good at your job."
"Heh. Thanks." An I look over at newt and he is glaring at Thomas. I can tell he sensed it too because he stops talking and walks over to chuck. I walk over to newt and kiss him. "No need to be jealous you. He has nothing on you."
He pushes me off him. "I'm not jealous!" He scoffs. Did he just? He did. I slowly turn and walk towards the glade. "Catherine? Forget it!" Thomas and Chuck join along too. "Hey Catherine."
"Hey Chuck."
"Awkward moment there with Newt."
"Hmm yeah."
"Oh, um, sorry I just."
"It's fine Chuck don't worry about." I say feigning a smile. He really hurt me, I was being nice and he was so... mean. There was fire in his eyes and I didn't like it. Everything is kinda of blur but then I feel a pain in my head. "shuck this you shank!" It's Gally, he is carrying lots of wood and it had all fallen to the ground. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry! I wasn't watching were I was going!"
"You would think with YOUR spare time that you would at least pay attention to walking."
"Hey I said sorry, now take it you klunk." He turns to Thomas. "Oh I see, so you are getting tired of Newt? I completely understand. He is kinda of drag, especially with his leg, which he literally drags. Isn't as fast as the rest of us, clearly, smart, wise, too."
"H-how how,"
"What? Thomas got your tongue?"
I grab his shirt and slap him across the face. "HOW DARE YOU." I scream. "How DARE you treat me like this, disrespect Newt! How dare you! He is 10 times more of a man than you'll ever be you shucked face little shank of a twat. Now shut your mouth!" He towers over me and a pain rushes across my cheek and I fall to the ground. "Don't speak to me that way, bitch." Gally had slapped me.

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