Chapter 21

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Catherine's POV

I slowly touch the engravings in the bed. Tracing every letter with my finger. A tear streams down my cheek. I look down a get Emily out from under the bed. I slowly pick her up, my arm hurting like hell, and placing her on the bed. I re-wrap her wounds and give her the alcohol in them to clean them. I lay a cold cloth on her head and slowly tie her down. I don't want to, but I have to. I don't know if she will make it, I don't know if I'll make it, I don't know anything. Teresa then walks in the room as I'm washing the cloths. "Oh uh hey I was looking for you."
"Me?" I say turning around.
"Catherine Right? Hi I'm Teresa."
"Hi Teresa! I'm Catherine nice to meet you."
"Hi, but uh so yeah Newt sent me to get you. It's about Alby."
"Oh, ok. I'm coming."
I replace Emily's cloth and follow Teresa. She seems really nice. We get to where he is. He is in REALLY bad shape. "Oh geez. I uh, tie him down more. This is gonna hurt." Newt, Thomas, Minho, and Clint strap him down. I slowly move the bandages and poor some of the alcohol into the wound. He fights and screams. He grabs my hurt arm and pulls me closer. "YOU ARENT NORMAL." He whispers into my ear. He squeezes tighter and tighter. "Get him off me!" I say trying to loosen his grip. "Let her go Alby." Newt keeps saying. Just the Teresa speaks up. "I came up with these in my pocket! They could help!"
"No that could kill him!" Says Newt.
"He is already dying newt, what worse could this do?" Says Thomas. Alby's grip gets tighter. He digs his nails into my flesh. "Ow! Stop!" Teresa then pops it into alby's arm. He flinches and twitches but let's go and falls asleep. Already his veins start to go down. I quickly back away and look up at Teresa. "Nice thinking girlie." I say giving her a high five. "Well what about our thanks?" Says Minho. "Don't be an ungrateful shank."
"Why yes Minho you and your face deserve all the praise." I say smirking.
"But look! This thing actually helps the Griever serum stop!" Everyone is silent. "OMG WE NEED TO GIVE THIS TO EMILY NOW." I take one and run over to the hut. Some Gladers are already rebuilding the door and wall. "MOVE." I say barging through. I quickly stab the needle into Emily's arm. Her eyes open wide and fall back down. This could actually work! I'm so happy! Minho rushes in. He sees the veins go down and the color to her face come back as well. "You managed to keep up with me I see." I say smirking. "Is she gonna be ok?"
"I think she will."
"Catherine, you little Greenie. You are a miracle."
"Couldn't have done it without some help. Now hug shank." And I hug him "ok, ok, just because I know you want it."
"I want it? Please you wish you could hug me all the time. I'm the best."
I do a little jig around the room. Newt comes in a sees me dancing with Minho just standing there. I look over at them. "Like you expected anything else." I continue dancing around the room. "What happened?" Whispered newt. "Emily is gonna be ok." He said smiling. "Oi good for you. That's awesome!" Newt says. Well I'm gonna take care of the rest of the buildings. Catherine!"
"No going out now. It's to late, got it?" His eyes narrowing. I laugh "your so funny when your mad. I know I'm not going anywhere."
"Good. Get Emily prepared for the long night. It WONT be fun." Minho lifts Emily and puts her under the bed because my arm hurts REALLY bad now. I have him pour the alcohol all over my arm and re-bandage it. "SHUCK SHUCK SHUCK." I repeat over and over through clenched teeth. "Are you ok?"
"No, but I will be. Keep going."
It stings so bad.
"Wow, you did a pretty good job shank. You could've been a med-jack totally."
"No, I would've stayed a runner."
"To bad, maybe I could've been a runner."
"No, you, you really DONT want to be a runner..." Just then the boys start filing in and newt hands me a machete that looks like his. I take it and he hands Minho a dagger and Thomas is holding a spear. We are ready to fight. Minho sits under the bed with Emily. While we wait for the Grievers. "Hey Catherine," Newt says. "You got my back?" I turn around and press my back against his, I turn my head the side of his face touching mine. "Of course I do." And then a peck on the cheek. We sorta wobble back and forth like a swaying motion. Always on our toes. Then we hear the dreaded sound, but this time it came through  the roof not the wall. It took A glader named John first. Grabbed him by the head and took it "not so clean off." Leaving the body. I thought I was going to hurl. The spine was like ripped out of its-(you know what, you can imagine that if you want.) I look away and I feel Newts face in mine. "The floor?" I say.
"No not yet." He looks up and says "Floor!" And everyone drops arms locked in arms. I lock with newt and Thomas. Minho under the bed clutching his dagger and Emily. Just then the bed is torn away by the mechanical arm. Everyone launches at it and starts frantically beating it. It's like a game of whack a mole. Except we are the moles. One by one they pick off more and more boys. They tried to grab Zart but I grabbed him and newt in time and we set him free. I steady myself about to fall and look up to the arm coming for Thomas. I chuck my machete it hits a mechanism that stops RIGHT in front of his face. I rip out the weapon and it pulls back up. Get back into the swaying position with newt. Back and forth, back and forth we go. "Thanks" he says. Face touching. "No problem." Just then three arms start trying to grab people left and right. I look and as if in slow motion I see Minho fighting an arm and another about to grab Emily. I turn newt around and I jump at the limb. I push it out of the way and newt stabs it. It flails back up into the rafters. I grab Emily and lift her and Put her underneath where me and Newt are swaying. A terrified screech comes from a Griever and then silence. Day, we did it again. "YES! Wooooo! That's right run you bloody Grievers! Mwahahahaha!"' I backwards hug newt and put Emily sitting up. Thomas got a cut on his face And newt his arm. I quickly run over to the supplies and but some on Newt's wound. I wrap it and send him off. Then Thomas. "Hey I got this for you. I dampen the rag with alcohol and rub it on his face. He puts his hand over mine. "Ouch. Sorry." He slowly puts his hand back down. He is just staring at me. I ignore it. "Ok that good?"
"Yes, especially because of you."
"Best person around :D" I say. Then I move to Minho. I do the same to a wound and wrap it. "GJ almost killing yourself! That was close to the vein!Now go get that bed for Emily. She is gonna need it."

The Warning//A Maze Runner Fanfiction//Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora