Chapter 2 // Your Bitter Heart Cold To A Touch

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Marra's POV

I could sit in a three hour lecture and tell you everything that was said, everything the professor missed and still have time to listen to all the jibber jabber of the others around me, but today was different. All I could think about was punching Stevie repeatedly in the face. In this imaginary world I would be stronger then Stevie obviously, and he would be begging for mercy. "Oh no Marra, please stop!", but I wouldn't. I was content in this imaginary world of mine until Gwen interrupted my thoughts, "Marra, class is over lets go! Pack up your things I'm starving." She said annoyed. I packed my things and followed her out of the room.

"Did you even take any notes Marra?' Gwen asked concerned. I turned to her, her green eyes were a bit darker then usual, they usually get like that when she's angry or concerned. Today, she was both. "It was the first day of class Gwen. I'll look at the readings, I read about this prof on that website where they rate them, he just reads the textbook. Would you relax?" I responded annoyed. "Marra, we're both going for our masters. We need to well in these classes, I told you that if being in Dallas was a distraction we could have went somewhere else." She replied back now even more annoyed then ever.

"Dallas isn't distracting. We both wanted to leave home and experience a new place, don't put this on me." I replied back trying to keep my voice low. Gwen stopped, not looking happy at all and pushed me to the side. "Listen, Stevie has a real opportunity here, he can finally put his degree to good use. Don't pin this on him, you and Jamie have been over for five years." I was taken aback. I mean sure Gwen had a point, but was it fair that she had to throw it in my face like that?

"Gwen. You know I'm over it and you know what it meant to me. I gave five years to Jamie, I gave him things I can never get back. We were going to plan our lives together. I'm over it, I'm over him. I just wasn't expecting him to be back in our lives this suddenly." I responded. Gwen was at a loss for words, which was a first for her. "Marra, I love you and everything, but you aren't." she said before walking away to her next class.

"I'm over him Gwen! I will prove it to you!" I shouted back at her. She waved me away.

Jamie's POV

"So what if Marra is back?" my brother Jordie said to me in between bites of an apple. I rolled my eyes at him, trying to concentrate on the article I was reading. It was about me – it's still so weird to me. I see myself on tv, old men get paid a ton of money to talk about my game, and I get articles written about me. This article was the same thing that everyone was saying, would I be able to return to my game after my surgeries, would I be the same? "Jamie!" Jordie shouted. I looked up at him annoyed now, "What?". "Marra. Dallas. Jamie." He replied back, clearly amused with himself.

"What do you want me to tell you Jordie? I won't be seeing her." I said, getting up from the table. Jordie followed me to the kitchen to throw out his apple core, "Listen if you do see her again I'm all for it. She was a nice piece of ass man, and I liked her" he said laughing. I shot him a look as I went to put on my shoes. We were expected at the arena in an hour, Jordie for practice and me for a session with Stevie.

Just as we were about to leave I heard on a knock on the door. "Jordie are we driving Tyler to practice?" I shouted, but he didn't answer. I opened the door and was shocked.


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