Chapter 3 // Walk Away

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I couldn't tell you why I decided the right thing to do was to go see Jamie and skip the rest of my classes, but I did. Just like the good old times, I would skip important things to tend to Jamie, why do I always do this to myself? I don't know what I was expecting when he opened the door, a sense of pride? Some sort of clarity, maybe nothing at all? Instead when that door swung open all I felt was the emptiness that I pushed so far back five years ago, this time though I knew it wouldn't go away easily.

"Marra?", he said in shock. He stood in the doorway with a puzzled look on his face, his face turned pale. I could feel the blood draining from my face as well. "I'm over you Jamie. Just because we're in the same city again and will probably be seeing more of each other won't change that." I said in a calm tone. Jamie looked confused, "You seriously came all the way here to tell me that?". I rolled my eyes, turning away from him, "Yeah, just in case things weren't clear." I said over my shoulder as I started walking towards my car.

As I was about to reach my car I heard running behind me, Jamie came in front of me and blocked me from opening my car door. "Get out of my way", I shouted. Jamie shook his head, "I won't budge until you tell me why you came here to tell me that. Radio silent five years, and you come here to tell me this. Who are you trying to fool Mar – me or you?", he said with venom in his voice his face inching closer to mine. "I'm not trying to fool anybody. I know what happens when you and Stevie put your heads together, and this isn't happening" I retored back. Jamie rolled his eyes and before he could say another word, "....and I have a boyfriend. I did this out of respect to him." I swallowed that sentence. Did I actually just say that?

Jamie was in shock, he opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out. He walkd off in a hurry shaking his head as he went back into his house. I got into my car and drove off. Why would I say that?

Jamie's P.O.V

"Jordie lets fucking go!" I shouted up the stairs. Jordie came running down in a rush, "Fuckin relax I was taking a piss. Who was at the door?", he asked while putting on his shoes. I grabbed my hockey bag, throwing open the front door. Jordie followed and stopped me, "Jamie, who was at the door?" he asked now more demanding. "Marra Oliverio. She came to ruin my life once again", I said opening the car door open.

Jordie laughed as he put his bag into the trunk, "Last I recall, you ruined her life." Jordie muttered under his breath, getting into the passenger seat. I shot him a look as I put the car into reverse, "No, she ruined my life because I haven't dated anyone because of her. She's been dating someone."

Jordie rolled his eyes, "Jamie, she's not. Typical girl move, she's just saying that because she didn't know what else to say". I looked over at him, and thought about it for a minute. Stevie would have told me if she was dating someone, and if they were serious she wouldn't had to have proved it to me. "You know what you could do, you could ask Stevie to go on a triple date? Stevie and Gwen, Marra and her so called boyfriend and your girlfriend", he said smiling. I looked over at him laughing, "Who's my girlfriend Jordie?" I said shaking my head. Jordie slapped my back, grinning, "Let's go out after practice, you'll find your girlfriend tonight"

Marra's P.O.V

"Why in the hell would you say that?", Gwen shouted. I put my head into my hands groaning, "I don't know! I didn't even know what to say!" I said hiding from Gwen's wrath. It honestly had to be the dumbest thing I had ever done in my entire life. I didn't even need to go to his house to accomplish this, who was I trying to prove it too anyways? "What if he asks Stevie? What is Stevie going to say? Who even are you going to find to be your pretend boyfriend?", Gwen came and sat beside him, nudging me. "I don't know Gwen, I was panicked okay? He didn't think I was over him and I had to prove I was and - I just needed to prove to everyone that I was okay – that I am." I said, turning my head to look at her.

Gwen shook her head and rubbed my back. "We'll figure it. It should be okay, it's not like he's ever going to want physical proof of your boyfriend". I nodded. Stevie came in afterwards; he looked at me and rolled his eyes as he threw his bag on the ground. "You're an actual idiot Marra", he said as he landed on the couch. Gwen laughed as she went and kissed him on the forehead, I went to sit beside him. "You heard too?", I said trying not to look at him. "Of course I heard. Who's your boyfriend Marra?", he said. I laughed, "It's not like it matters Stevie, he's never going to need to see him." I said brushing it off.

Stevie got up, to make sure that I was looking at him, "Well you should find one quick. Jamie asked us if we could go out on a triple date, with his girlfriend."

The Mess I Made // A Jamie Benn Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now