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Lunar: 18 help-!

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Lunar: 18 help-!

Famous last words.

Everything about this drawing is wrong, look at the arm. XD

Btw way, massive warning for this chapter: Self-harmish stunts, desperate needs for attention, abuse, negligence, mentions of physical and verbal abuse, ect.

Please read at your own risk. 


"LUNAR!" she yelled kicking Lunar's door open and she watched Lunar's body jolt awake and he sat up from his desk yelling "huh what?!" he looked around and she ran over "Lunar! Lunar!" she shook him and Lunar stared at her in confusion and irritation and asked "what?" "Lunar some Lunar blew up randomly, the techs are trying to figure out why but nothing seems wrong with them" Luna paced back and forth, "I've been trying to call you for fifteen minutes, get up!" she pulled him from the desk. 

"I'm sorry what-?" Lunar said confused and Luna said "as I said! 0_723 blew up randomly mid conversation, the Lunar that was talking with 0_723 is in shock and shaking on the spot and it's really bad!" Lunar stared at her "your shaking" "exactly!" "oh..." Lunar said trailing off.

"Come on and help us with this!" she dragged Lunar out of his room and Lunar, still half asleep and confused, let her drag him. She dragged him to the cafeteria and Lunar said "jesus-" Luna pointed at the absolutely melted body, it's body blown to bits, it's eyes suddenly locked on Lunar and Luna jumped as it said in a breaking voice "Gr-GrEat oNe" Luna saw Lunar's stiff body and he said "uhhh..." he whispered to her "so 0_018, right off the bat uh, this looks like it was done by a thing called god energy, aka a god."

The poor thing is still alive... she reached over and 0_723's body shuddered in her touch, her body shuddering in agony. Fate wouldn't do this... and there's no other gods right? Her family is died so who did would do something as horrible and sadistic as this...? "PleAsE fIx mE-" 0_723 croaked and Luna's heart shatter again as she held a shaky hand on their back. 

Lunar crossed his arms, but not in a 'this is your fault idiot' way, it was more of a 'I need to think' way. Luna whispered to them "we will... Lunar how do you turn off someones pain sensors, the techs didn't do it for some reason" Lunar walked over and he said "why not, let me see- they had no reason not to turn it off they were being morons" Luna feeling a feeling of disgust fill her. 

"Come here 18" Lunar said, Luna was surprised at the nickname, Luna has got to be the first person Lunar has called by a shortened nickname. She ran over to him and Lunar said "see this, flip this switch" he pointed at a switch and Luna nodded and flipped it, she watched 0_723's body relax, her body filling with relief.

"That's the answer to your question" Lunar said, "now, 0_723, what do you remember seeing before this happened?" "yeLloW-" "yellow?" Lunar asked and Luna sat down next to their shaking body to try to comfort them and Lunar rubbed his temples "any other characteristics?" they choked out "wings-" "wings?" Luna asked in confusion and Lunar stiffened. 

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