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"Fate, are you feeling okay?" Eclipse asked walking over and sitting next to her, Fate sniffed softly and Eclipse asked softly hugging them "what's wrong?" "I don't like him being here-" Fate choked out and Eclipse asked "then why'd you bring him?" Eclipse leaned into her softly as Fate shook all over. 

"Luna said s-something-" Fate sobbed and Eclipse asked softly "what did she say?" Fate shook all over and said "I- something about Nsheios- things were falling apart and I had to get her out there, but she refused to go without making me bring Lunar-" Eclipse said softly "what about Nsheios? I'm confused at that part Fate" "I d-don't know!" Fate sobbed putting her face in her hands, Eclipse hated whenever Fate got like this. 

"I-I-I don't know-!" Fate sobbed "something about Lunar venting to her and Nsheios blowing a Lunar up horribly when they were a child then sh-she sa-said-" Eclipse listened to this silently, not wanting to interrupt Fate "sh-she said that Lunar didn't want to kill my family- that he was forced by Nsheios-" Fate sobbed and Eclipse said surprise "oh-" "I don't know if I can trust her-" Fate sobbed "I mean I knew she wasn't lying, I can sense if she was lying! But I didn't know if Lunar was lying to her before-!" Fate sat in the purple grass next to him. 

Eclipse was still trying to get used to the grass squirming under him, it felt gross. "But then- then he was freaking out about his stupid cult being gone-" Fate sobbed "then Luna mentioned Nsheios and it was obvious that was what he was panicking about as well-" Eclipse said softly "Nsheios wouldn't do this-" "I don't know anymore!" Fate cried louder and Eclipse's hugged them closer gently. 

"We know Nsheios Fate, he's sweet and upbeat, maybe a jerk at times but you know-" Eclipse said softly to Fate and Fate sobbed "here's the thing! I knew something was off about him, I knew something was off about him since the beginning! His story has so many holes in it but I understand not wanting to talk about stuff you know! I was willing to I don't know, look past that! Especially when he was screaming at ants" Fate shook all over. 

"Then Luna comes along and says Nsheios screamed at Lunar when he failed to kill me and threw him into a wall-" Fate cried into Eclipse's shoulder and Eclipse leaned his head onto Fate's "shhh-" "this is why I can't trust people-!" Fate sobbed and Eclipse said softly "Fate no-" he was very worried, he always was when Fate got like this. 

It's been a while since this has happened, however it's happening now. "I want my family back-!" Fate sobbed "I want them back-" "I know..." Eclipse said softly, he watched Fate struggle to breathe as they cried and Eclipse said softly "I know Fate-" "WHY AM I EVEN GETTING ATTACHED TO YOU IF I'M GOING TO LOSE YOU?!" Fate shrieked flinching away from him and Eclipse said softly and worried "Fate-" "I lose everything- EVERYTHING!" Fate cried, Eclipse was aware of how cruel Fate's position was.

He wished he could undo it for them, he really did. "I get attached and then boom, they're dead! I outlive everything all the time! I'm going to outlive you!" Fate sobbed and Eclipse said "Fate... I cannot deny that fact..." Fate sobbed "exactly! WHY CAN'T I JUST DIE?!" Eclipse said softly "Fate-" "NO SERIOUSLY WHY WAS I CURSED WITH THIS?! WHY ME?!" Fate sobbed "I failed my multiverse, I lost my family, I loose people I get attached to by outliving them, I end up bottling up emotions because it's all I can do-" Fate sobbed and Eclipse rubbed their back. 

He actually couldn't imagine that... losing people you love over and over again, it must be awful. He sadly stared at Fate and said softly "It isn't good to bottle up emotions Fate..." "I know-!" Fate sobbed and Eclipse sighed softly "I-" "I need to leave-!" Fate said "I need to go away and not get more attached I-" "Fate" Eclipse said pulling them down as Fate began to stand up "Fate don't do that" Fate turned towards him with a tear streaked face. 

"LET ME GO!" they snapped and Eclipse flinched and let out and Fate escaped and teleported away, Eclipse stared at where Fate was silently before taking a deep shaky breath "they'll be back-" he said shakily "don't panic Eclipse- They'll be back- It's fine-" he put his face in hands.

He seriously hated what Fate has to go through all the time.

My throat clenched up writing this, Fate is one of the characters that I write angst for they make me nearly cry, it's so sad and tragic -Unknown

Also the fact I was listening to this song as well while writing it


 "Lunar how about we play a game" Luna said softly to Lunar as he was depressed, his face pressed against her fluffy light blue pants. "No..." Lunar said softly and Luna took his hat gently off his head and Lunar didn't try to grab it, Luna pulled him off her pants and said "we'll play catch the hat, okay?" she said softly "a game I made on the spot" "sounds stupid..." Lunar said and Luna said "that's because it is stupid." Lunar grunted and turned over and hid himself on her "I don't want to play..." Luna sighed "okay..." she watched Eclipse walk back looking sad and Computer ran over to clearly ask him if he was okay. 

Luna held Lunar gently and 3_2032 and 0_723 were playing something nearby. 3_2032 ran over to her and said "I found a purple rock!" she said and 0_723 scoffed "it's just a rock" "so!" 3_2032 snapped back at her childishly. Luna watched this and sighed softly "let me see it..." she said and 3_2032 gave her the rock and Luna said "yep, it's a rock" 0_723 grabbed it and dug her claws into it before splitting it in half. Luna was impressed, even Lunar turned over stunned and 0_723 gasped "crystals!" Luna leaned over and stared at the pretty white crystals "oh" she said interested, 0_723 and 3_2032 sat on her and snuggled in. 

They both admired the crystal and she looked at Eclipse in worry as he talked out of earshot and she sighed softly, looking at the sun in the sky. She couldn't tell but she swore it changed colors, it was hardly noticeable, she stared for a moment before looking away when she got spots in her vision. 

She blinked a couple of times before she began to rub Lunar's back gently and he snuggled in, he cried enough and he was clearly exhausted. "Don't let Nsheios hurt me..." he choked out and Luna said softly "I won't let him touch you..." Lunar's eyes fell closed as he passed out on her and she hugged him softly, I won't let him touch you...

I made the last chapter yesterday and forgot to post it, here's today's chapter :)

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