College? Really

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Because  I'm to lazy to write Y/N or (name) or what ever else there is, I have found a way to go around that. By never using a name. Also this is not going to be a smut. It will be fluffy and will likely be longer then my first story. Also the trolls are troll. But not in there normal ages and not all of them are in the same age range Alright! Lets get this started...

~PoV You~

I walked down the street. Nothing was wrong. It was just a normal day. Staying up to late from gaming til 1 am then realizing your ass of a college professor you have at 7 AM grades you on how tired you are and tardiness. So here you are. Walking into the lecture hall with 50 other student 5 minutes to 7. Some girls are wide away gossiping away, some guys are still in there boxers but since they 'look' like shorts they show up in that and no one stops them, the trolls are huddled in a little circle by where I'm sitting, then that stupid professor walks in.

"Hello guys. I'd like to start class alittle early cause my lesson is going to run on the long end of the scale." Mr. Drawinny (Draw-win-knee). Great I think to myself.

The gemini troll sits on my left and the cancer on my right. And some scorpio chick troll with thinks she sooo special plops in the row infront of me.

I grab out my notebook and start to copy the notes the teacher writes on the huge chalkboard. midway through his paragraph some high off his ass clown comes in with the paralyzed kid in the wheelchair. "I'm sorry for being late professor. Mrs. Lejion needed me."

"Mr. Nitram just find your seat."

"Yes sir." I watched as that Gamzee kid pushed him away some where in the first row.

"Alright. Now where were we. Ah yes..." His words trailed off. I copied the notes though.

"Psst... Pssssssst... Pst... Psssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssst.." The cancer next to me was nudging me.

"What?!" I asked sharper then I intended.

"Sorry but did you here that?" He answered.

"No, what was it?" my voice softer then before.

Captor intruded, "Wath that a faint thcream?" 

"I think so.." Karkat said.

"What?" I asked again.

"Shh you might hear it again." He hushed me.

I stopped writing and started to listen tuning out the teacher again. Then I heard it. A distant high pitched scream. But it sounded like it was getting closer. There was some murmurs in the class room and some people were darting looks at each other.

"Did you hear it?" Karkat asked again.

"Yea now I did." I asked.

"Something isn't right. Sollux can you check the cameras?"

"Thure. He pulled out his phone. I looked over to see what he was doing. HACKING?! He is HACKING into the schools cameras. Then a alarm went off. An intercom came on.

"Students and teachers. We need you to lock down your classes NOW. Let no one in or out. If you are out in the halls you have one minuted before we are in total lock down. I repeat. ONE MINUTE. Starting now."

Karkat looked at sollux. "Sol? What's going on?" 

"Hold on-... Wait I got it." He stopped talk for a second then spoke, "What the fuck is that?"

Karkat and I looked. It appeared to be human. But it didn't act that way. It was slamming it self against the door grunting but not doing anything about it. Looking closer I sawy the skin was greenish it's eyes were completely blood shot and.. wait what?!

"Blood... That's blood around it's mouth." I bit my lip.

"Don't be kidding around." Karkat said crossing his arms, "It's just some prank." 

"KK guethth again. If I didn't know any better I'd thay that wath a zombie."

"But zombies aren't real." I added.

"I know but look at it. And the movement of it. It ithn't rethponding to the door in the way.

"True but come on. Zombies aren't real. Like Karkat said. It's probably a prank. see they're gonna even handle it now." I laughed.

"Your time is up. The school is on lock down. Students and teachers in the hall may not be allowed into any class room for any reason." The intercom Interupted.

"Wow they are never that cruel." Kakrat said. 

"Hey look they are going out side now." I said pointing at the phone. 

Sollux quickly pulled out a headphone spliter that has 4 inlets and pluged in three headsets handing us each one and turned on the audio as swiftly and silently as he could as the teacher yelled for us to move into our hiding spots. We sat down and watched the already now outside teacher along with a security gaurd talk to the thing outside. 

"YOU CAN'T BE OUT HERE ON A SCHOOL DAY DRESSED LIKE THAT!! YOU HAVE TO LEAVE NOW!" The teacher yelled. The beast turned to face her and attacked her.

"Damn." Karkat whispered.

The thing grabbed her and threw her down biting into her neck as she screamed bloody murder through our head set. The gaurd quickly kicked him off and shot it in the head and faced the teacher kneeling down and trying to stop the bleeding. Her skin was turn from the normal tan to the same type of greenish colour the thing had before her. He eyes were slowly becoming more and more bloodshot and the words no longer back capable of understanding.

"Oh. My. God." The three of us said together.

And that's the end of chapter one. I hope you like it! 

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