This is not, a Drill!

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Vriska smirked and flicked on the lighter. "Hand me your textbooks. All of them."

I quickly got up with the other to trolls and scurried into our bags grabbing out our books. I had 7 with me cause of my back to back classes, Karkat had 1 and Sollux had like a million hand books. "Perfect. Now behind the desk." 

We hustled down and stacked the books on top of each other. She opened the top and bottom book and lit the pages on fire. We hurried away from the books. Vriska poured some of the lighter fluid on the desk and around.

"Now we are heating things up." She walked to the door smirking, "Now I have what I needed to get done, time for you to hold up your end." The alarms went off. The intercom went off. "Everyone please remain calm. We will have then under control." The smell of smoke filed the room and the desk started to burn. The Professor was shouting things like get out of here and go to another room. It's to dangerous in here. And even call the office.

We watched as students scurried out teary eyed and choking on the smoke. We held back until the teacher left, then we ran out into the hall. 

"Head to the gym, they are bound to have something to use to fight." I mention.

"Like what?" Vriska utters beside me. 

"Well we have stuff for pole vaulters, wrestlers and boxers and football players and.. " I ramble off.

"I get it Mr. big shot." she rolls her eye.

We turn the corner having our footsteps chase us. So much for trying to be sneaky. Sollux ran ahead and to our surprise, kicked through the door. 

"What are you thinking?" Karkat yelled.

"I'm thinking that the doorth are locked." He smirked, "Thith ith a lock down you know."

I chuckled, " I didn't even think about that."

We travel though the gap. Quickly trying to search for supplies, the intercom turns on. "Students remain calm. We are going to get everything under control."

Yea sure.

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