Gingerbread Man Ran Faster

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The announcement echoed through the hall, seamlessly ringing in the gym. The only disturbance was the constant shuffle of supplies we were moving. We all grabbed out a metal bat and some of the protective sports gear. 

I pulled at a shelf knocking the whole shelf down off the wall, "Oops my bad." I sigh laughing softly. 

"You ok over there!" Sollux shouted.

"Yea I'm fine!" I yell back. 

Karkat ran over to me looking confused. "What did you do?" He scowls.

"Oh you know, just fucking up school property." I joke looking at the mess below.

"God damn." He grumbles under his breath.

We spent 5 minutes searching for items then armed ourselves carefully by putting on the football team's pads and stuff in hopes to avoid being bitten.

"Let's go," Karkat said. We nod in unison and head out to the fire exit in the gym. 

"You all ready?" I ask. 

Sollux nods and pushes the doors open releasing sunlight. Once hidden gunshots are now clearly shrieking in the air. The entire town is distressed. Smoke flows from building all around. Rapid gunfire is bearly audible above the cries. Collisions can be heard from the opposite side of the towns. Hell, even the birds sound like they are panicked. 

I studied the work of this causality, my cheek soaking in tears. The world seemed to stop. This all happened while we were in there doing a normal everyday thing. Everything was just great. Now here we are least then two hours later and the world is just chaos. My family is out there somewhere. 

"Oh god..." I felt sick, weak, dizzy, confused. My legs felt like jello as the realization hit me harder than the time before. " My family... ". My mind was spinning so fast with questions. Are they alive? Are they zombies? Are they safe?

A hand patted my back gently. "Y/N are you ok? "Karkat spoke softly. Like if his voice was any stronger it would physically hurt me.

" I- I don't know.... " I stutter.

I know short. Sorry. I'm gonna try and update a lot though so they might be shorter sometimes. Let me know what you think in the comment Please. If you want long chapters or not! Thanks, and like always, don't forget to breathe.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2016 ⏰

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