The bad boy and a priest : part -4

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Shubman found Ishan in a small bar almost outside of the city. After seeing the number of bottles of wine vodka and takilla around him,anyone could say he was completely west and couldn't even walk properly.

Even Shubman had to give him a piggy ride to get him back to the hotel room.

When they came back to the room, Shubham took off Ishaan's outer robe. Gave him a hungover drink and made him sit on the bed. And also order hangover soup.

After that drink ishan was feeling a little better but he wasn't sober. Even over time His intoxication is also increasing but now, at least he can speak properly and can open his eyes.

" what the hell were you doing out there , ishan." Shubman couldn't suppress his angry tone as how reckless ishan's actions were.

He was feeding ishan soup from his hand.

"Whoo!! What happened to 'Father'? " ishan cheeckilly said.

Shubman frowned his eyes " do you think this is all funny?"

Ishaan innocently shook his head. Just on this little gesture, shubman's whole anger is gone.

This boy had no idea how much power he held over shubman.

"Do you have any idea how worried I was for you? You could have called me ? How could you be so reckless ish, that you went to such a deserted bar so late at night?" Shubman pretends to be angry.

" I'm sorry. I won't do it again" Hearing shubman's scolding, ishan's eyes welled up.
He was on the verge of crying.

When Shubman saw tears in Ishaan's big doe-like eyes, he cursed himself in his mind a hundred times.

He wiped tears from his eyes "I'm sorry ish. It's just I was worried for you.if anything could have happened to you, I can't forgive myself. Sorry again, bacha"

Shubman was treating him like a literal kid now. He took him to the bathroom, when ishan needed to vomit. He even changed his clothes.

He tucked ishan in bed and went for a kiss then he suddenly remembered ishan maybe not sober but he is still awake. So he went to sleep on the other side of the bed without kissing me.

In the middle of the night shubman felt someone's hand on his chest. When he saw it was ishan. He was in sleep but so close to shubman.

Ishaan was already so close to him, Shubham brought him a little closer and made him sleep in his arms.

Now, ishan's head was resting on shubman's chest, his hands were around shubman's waist and shubman was slowly caressing his hair.

His heart was racing so fast. As Ishan was in his arms, it's like a dream to him, and he can't waste it in sleeping so, he didn't sleep and instead he was watching Ishaan moving up and down on his chest, as he was breathing.

He slightly kissed ishan's hair. And hold him from second hand as another one was still busy caressing his hair. In his sleep, ishan stirred and held him tightly from waist.

Shubman felt hundreds of butterflies in his stomach. and his held on ishan tightened.

His was holding ishan from one hand and the other was constantly caressing his hair so slowly. He lifted Ishan's face a little and placed a kiss on his forehead.

In this all he put ishan's head slightly over his chest because the way he heard was racing, it looked like it would explode.

Now, ishan was sleeping on the crook of his neck. He could literally feel Ishan's warm breath on his neck. This was way more intense than before.

In shubman's warm embrace, ishan must have felt safe so, he moved closer to him. Ishan was so close to him that his lips were touching his neck. Shubman couldn't handle it more. He felt like his stomach and whole body was on fire. He could literally feel the rushing adrenaline down there.

Ishan's body was warm and he was loving these warm and sensitive things, he was feeling this time.he looked down there he could clearly see the formed shaft in his pants.

God!! He had to control himself. He can't lose now, at least not like this. He loosened his grip around ishan. But it looks like ishan was not making it simple for him.

When shubman's grip loosened, ishan missed that warm feeling in his body so, he moved closer to the shubman.

This time basically, ishan was almost on the top of shubman. Their legs were tingled like branches. There was not even a place for passing air.

With each passing second, it was going hard for shubman, so, he lifted Ishan's face and kissed him on the forehead then on the chin then on cheeks, then on his nose, then his eyes.

And in the end, he looked for those juicy lips of ishan. They were so attractive, intimating and provoking that shubman was sure if he didn't taste these now. He will die for sure.

But ishan was sleeping, he couldn't take advantage of him. So, he decided he will just do it once. So, he just puts his lips on ishan's, without moving...

After a few seconds, Ishan's lips move against his slowly. Shubman was so surprised that he opened his eyes. That move was so slow that if shubman weren't focused on this kiss, he would have missed it...

To testify, he moved his lips slowly over ishan's. This time ishan moved his lips, not so properly but he can sense it easily.

He removed his lips and looked at Ishan's face. He wasn't awake yet. He was still sleeping. He must have done that kiss in his sleep.

Shubman didn't want to do it more than once but after ishan's lips were moving against his, he wanted to do it more. So, he let his intrusive thoughts win and he slightly parted ishan's lips and put his in between.

This time ishan moved his lips first. Shubman closed his eyes and took the initiative and deepened the kiss...

The kiss was slow, gentle, intense but also hungry. That just one kiss gave all the emotions shubman was feeling from the very moment he saw ishan....

He looked down, he was hard, so hard that it started to hurt a little....

But he can't take more advantage of ishan in his sleep so, he again kissed ishan's forehead and slept while tightly holding him.

But after a few minutes he felt someone's gaze over himself and then a finger on his forehead. That finger, slowly, moved from forehead to nose and stopped just over lips.... And then finger lingers over his lips so lightly that person can't even feel it.

" what are you doing, Father" Shubham said with emphasis on the word father.

" Maybe, something which you couldn't dare to complete" ishan's voice wasn't over a slight whisper.

And shubman moved his head so fastly towards him that he could have broken his neck. His mind goes completely blank. He felt soul lefting his body.


Aww!! I uploaded two chapters today. How great I'm 🥹🥹.

Sorry, next will be smut... Just take the slow burn today 😉.

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