Meeting him

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A/N: hey guys! So I didn't mention this in the last chapter, but this is my first fanfic!!!! I really hope you guys enjoy it!! Remember to comment and vote!

"Hello class! I am Ms. Joy, and contrary to popular belief I am not a joy if you don't do your best in this class." We all laughed uncomfertably at Ms. Joy's awkward joke. I shrunk down in my seat. Calum groaned. But then the door of the classroom banged open. In walked a boy with black dyed hair, an eyebrow ring, a Greenday shirt, and black skinny jeans. I found myself gawking at this perfect boy. He was like all of my dreams come true. Without even the slightlest glance at our teacher, he made his way over to me. He kicked out a chair and propped his feet up on the desk.

"Would you like to grace the class with your name, sir?" Ms. Joy asked, her petite frame quaking with anger.

"Clifford. Michael Clifford. I don't like people or governmental institusionalized eduction, so school isn't really my thing, to be quite frank with you." I burst out laughing. I then quickly realized that nobody else was laughing so I awkwardly stopped and looked straight ahead. Calum shot me a weird look. Ms. Joy began to teach her lesson.

"Nice shirt." Michael mumbled when the class bell sounded, where upon I realized that I had the same exact shirt as him.

"Do you normally dress exactly like your crush, or is this a new activity?" I asked, not knowing where the burst of confidence came from. Michael grinned.

"New activity." He mumbled before pushing past me to get to the door. Right when I thought he was gone, he appeared again in front of me.

"Never quite got your name, love." He said in a baritone. I tried not to blush.

"Elizabeth. But no way in hell are you calling me that. I'm Liza." His eyes gave my body a not-so-quick glance up and down before meeting my eyes again.

"Don't quite look like a Liza either, to be honest with you." I stared at him dumbfounded.

"Why not?"

"With a face and body like yours, you're definitely a Scarlett." And with that he was officially gone.

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