The deal

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What's wrong Liz, you never smile this much." Calum asked nervously. I just grinned at him.

"Don't get your boxers all balled up about it." Ashton, who was sitting next to Calum, choked on his food. I have never been super close with Ashton but Calum has been hanging out with him a lot lately. I mean, he was a cool guy, just not the type I normally associated myself with. Then just like earlier, Michael came in with a bang. He thumped his lunch on the table and began eating ravenously. Calum and Ashton stared at him in awe.

"Friend's not here today?" I asked confidently. Calum and Ashton stared at me in shock. Michael slowly looked up at me.

"Don't have friends." He said simply, before returning to his meal. Calum and Ashton couldn't keep their eyes off of him. I tried to hold back my laugh and failed.

"What's funny, Scarlett?" Michael asked absently.

"Okay what is going on here? Since when did Liza make friends with other people? And since when did those people have, like, nicknames for her?" Calum asked. Michael smirked. He quickly scribbled something down on a sheet of paper and handed it to Calum and Ashton.

"My number. I play guitar. I can tell that you are a bassist," he pointed at Calum,"and you are a drummer. "He pointed at Ashton. I glared at Michael. How dare he not give me his number?

"Feeling left out?" I nodded at him.

"Keep it that way." And with that he was gone.

"No no no no!! DUDE HOW COULD YOU LET HIM SCORE THAT GOAL?!?" Calum screamed at Ashton. These boys were obsessed with fifa. I was sititing on the comfy sofa in Calum's basement, scrolling through my Tumblr feed. But I was super bored. I wanted to be texting Michael right now but he wouldn't give me his number! WHY?

"Calum?" I asked. He complelty ignored me and kept on playing the stupid soccer game.

"CALUM!" I sreamed. I again ignored me. So I used my mad WWE skills on him. I ran behind him, tackled him to the floor, stole his controller, and turned the game off.

"What the hell, Liza?" He seemed pissed. But I just needed their attention. Ashton shifted around so that he was facing me. Calum did his baby pout face.

"You know how you guys have been wanting to make a band?" I asked. They both glared at me.

"Oh my god, you just want to see Michael!" Calum yelled. He lunged forward to tackle me but I was too fast. I knocked his hands out of the way and pushed him back. He sat back and finally listened to me for real.

"But honestly though. You guys never shut up about your 'band.' And all of the sudden, this guy from school who plays GUITAR comes up to you guys, who play BASS and DRUMS and need a GUITARIST, and tells you to call him. So call him! Invite him over and get this band on the road." I sit back, satisfied. Calum and Ashton exchange glances.

"Even if we did call him, Liza, we still need a singer." Ashton reasoned. There was no way that the boys were gonna win this one.

"If I get a signer for you guys, will you call Michael over and practice with him?" I asked stubbornly. Ashton glanced at Calum who sighed. I could tell that I had won.

"Fine. Stupid." Calum said as he reached out to pull my long hair. I kicked him away from me. Ashton got a message on his phone. His eyes perked up when he saw it.

"Is it from your non-exsistent girlfriend?" Calum joked. Ashton shook his head excitedly.

"No, I got the job at KFC!! Gotta go, see you guys later." Clearly estatic, he kissed Calum on both cheeks and pulled me into a firm hug, prancing out the door, leaving me and Calum gasping for air from laughing so hard.

How was I going to find a singer? Like, do I just go up to some random kid and be like "Hey, can you sing 'American Idioit' for me?" Nobody would go for it. So I made a plan

A/n: okay so this is the third chapter I know the book hasn't gotten a lot of reads but I'm glad that you guys enjoy it!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2015 ⏰

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