Tara's invite

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Chapter 3!

Carrington POV

I layed on the couch arms sprawled across the top of the cushions and my head leaned back staring at the ceiling. "Duuuude!" I groaned, aiming my words at whoever would listen.

Jake looked up from his phone and over at me from his spot on the other side of the couch. "Yes?" He asked smirking at my tone. I turned my layed back head towards him. "I'm bored Jakey."

Jake rolled his eyes. "Well what do you suggest we do care?" He asked. I just huffed and returned to my position of staring at the ceiling. "I don't know man!"

Suddenly I could hear footsteps from the stairs that led to Johnnie's room. I sat up and looked back. "Hey sunshine!" I exclaimed. Johnnie huffed and looked away.

Ignoring my greeting Johnnie began talking to me and Jake. "Hey Tara texted me." Jake looked up. "Tara? What's she texting you for?" I scrunched my nose at Jake's quick response.

"We just text sometimes. Nothing weird promise dude. Just YouTube stuff really." Johnnie explained. Jake and looked back to his phone. "Oh okay man."

"Sooo what did she text you John?" I said to relieve the weird ass tension that was happening right now. Johnnie cleared his throat to respond. "Uh she was just telling me how she's having a party tonight. Wants all of us to come."

I jumped up looking at Jake. Jake smiled at me knowing exactly what was going through my mind. "Yesssss!" I exclaimed. Johnnie furrowed his brows at my excitement. "This is exactly what I suggest we do!" Johnnie only tilted his head at me.

"We are 100% going to that party tonight guys. We literally have nothing better to do!" I motioned to our empty home. "Technically I could sleep in." Johnnie suggested. I just rolled my eyes.

Jake POV

A party sounded fun... and it had been a while since we all hung out together with Tara as well. I thought it was a little weird that Tara was texting Johnnie, but I guess i don't know what I expected. I mean we all went on a cruise together. We're all friends. Plus, I am 100% over Tara romantically. She could talk to whoever she wanted, she could date whoever and I would support her. I mean Tara wasn't really Johnnie's type anyway right? No I don't think so I me-

My rushing thoughts were interrupted by a voice. "What do you think Jake?" Johnnie was looking at me. With his beautiful... smoky eyes. I mean uh- his dumb emo eyes!

"Sure dude. I mean- it's been a while since we've gotten a little party in our system yeah?" I shrugged.

"This is gonna be awesome guys you will not regret it!!" Carrington jumped up and ran to his room. I'm assuming to pick out his outfit for the night.

"You don't sound too stoked for this party man." Johnnie looked at me, his eyebrows pulling together. "Oh no! I totally am! I just uh- woke up from a nap just now." I lied.

"That makes sense." Johnnie said as he climbed onto the couch. There was a silence for a moment. "You're not mad are you?" Johnnie's voice was quiet. I looked at him surprised. "What? Why would I be mad?" He only looked away laughing awkwardly. "I mean, you seemed... weirded out? When I told you Tara texted me."

I shook my head rapidly. "Nono I'm not mad at you Johnnie. Look you're my best friend, and Tara is my friend too! It only makes sense you guys talk sometimes. I mean- it's not like you're talking right?" Johnnie shook his head back. "No man, I would never do something to jeopardize our friendship like that, and also no offense to Tara but she's totally not my type."

We both laughed. "Good. I don't want anybody taking you away from me shmookie." A made a kissy face to Johnnie. He laughed and pushed me away. "You're stupid man." I smiled. "You know you love me." Johnnie rolled his eyes. "Yeah whatever. I'm gonna go get ready for the party. Tara said to meet her at her place at 8:30." I nodded.

Johnnie POV

I speed walked to my room and slammed the door. Thank goodness Jake wasn't mad at me. I don't know what I would have done. Especially since-ya know- we live together and stuff.

I walked over to my closet to pick out an outfit. I decided on my olive green button up and some black skinny jeans. We had a few hours so I decided to lay in my bed for a bit and contemplate my life choices.

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