Chapter 13 : Not just yet

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Week later.

Zara sits across from Killa while he eats what she cooked. He dug in his chicken, tearing it up with a side of Greens, Marcaroni, and some corn bread. Zara East slowly started to lose all love for him. Phil was her other half. The man she planned on marrying and having kids by. Being with somebody who killed him will eat her alive slowly.

"Why have you been quiet lately?" Killa asked. Picking up the napkin sitting next to his plate, picking it up, whipping his mouth off.

"No reason, baby," she said, picking in her macaroni.

"Zara. Look at me," he said, putting the napkin down and grabbing her hand. Zara looks up at him, wanting to cry, but she holds it in. "What is it?" He asked

"It's nothing, I've been feeling sick a lot lately, " she said, lying.

"You pregnant?" He asked, knowing they ain't been using a condom.

"I've taken one. Says negative," she said

"Probably wait another week. If so, would you keep it?" He asked

"Are you even ready to have kids? With everything you do?" She asked, irritated.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He asked, sitting up.

"Baby, I'm not gone have my child growing up around the shit you do," she said

"If you are pregnant, you ain't got a choice," he said, getting smart.

"I have a choice. It's my body. The fuck is you saying Rodrick?" She asked standing up saying his real name.

"Zara, don't fucking playing with my child, if you is pregnant," he said still seating looking a her crazy.

Zara walks away from the table, while he just sits there continue eating. She hated arguing with him, cause he never shows he cares about her feelings. She slams her door getting in the bed. Good thing she wasn't pregnant, so she couldn't be that mad.

Her phone rings seeing it's Jamie "Hey!" Zara answering aggressively

"Well damn, what I do?" She asked

"Nothing, had a little argument with Killa," she said

"Girl, how is you holding up over there knowing what you know,"

"Im good. Taking thing day by day. You know me. I ain't going out like that," Zara said as Killa walks in the room seeing her on the phone.

"Tell her you'll call her back," he said being demanding.

"Why,?" Zara asked coming up to her hanging the phone up. "Okay, that was rude as fuck," she said

"Zara, I know when something up with you. so talk to me," he said

"Babe, it's hard talking to you. You barely listen sometimes," she said

"I know I can be hard to deal with. Might not show emotion or show that I care. You know I love you to death. And would do anything for you," he paused seeing her tear up. "I ain't mean to act like that, I want a baby with you if you are. And if me moving you away from this I will," he said coming up closer to her. He kissing her lips.

"I know. It's just hard sometimes for me too babe," she said "but I would love a baby with you. I never did say I didnt,"

(Phil arrived)

Phil hops in his black truck seeing his guys for the second time in months. He was happy they was good and shit was always going straight. 

"Sup man, glad to see you back," his buddy Trell said

"A nigga always happy to be back home. How things holding up?" He asked

"Nigga Killa getting low on product. Seeming like he needs some help. Zara been keeping distance from him though, she been more around Jamie alot. Don't know what's up with that, but we still gone keep an eye out," he Said

"Well once we know his next pick up. We can jump on it. How we doing?" He asked

"Now you know we always striaght, just as long as you don't get near or touch it. You have nothing to worry about," Trell said shaking up with him.

"Good, good. Don't  know how long this shit has gone last. But he gone feel me," Phil said, looking out the window as it rains.

Phil didn't know if he really wanted to put the nigga behind bars or just off like he tried with him. Either way he was gone see his face again.

Phil pulls up outside his mother crib. He hasn't seen her since his passing. But it was time to see that gorgeous face he's been missing. His mother was his Angel. The one who taught him everything he knows. He dad was no where to be found.

He gets out walking up to the door. His mother comes to the door opening it. She was confused and surprised. She cries holding one hand on her mouth touching on Phil to see if that's really him. Once she laid her hand on his chest she fell out.

Phil caught her, picking her up taking her inside the house. Things still look the same, with some new furniture. He lays her down on the couch as Trell comes in with a wet rag putting over her head. He rubs her face shedding a tear.

An hour later

Ms. Rose woke up touching Phil again, shocked. "Baby, tell me this a dream," she said, touching him with both her hands.

He cries, shaking be head no. She grabs his face, wiping his tears. She hugged him so tight and never wanted to let. "Where have you've been?" She asked

"Had to find out who killed me, ma. I couldn't just show my face right away," he said, seeing his mother look into his eyes.

"You're never leaving my side," she said as tears came storming down her face too.

Phil smiles, knowing his mother is serious. "I never left, ma. I love you," he said, kissing her forehead.

"Who was it, baby?" She asked

Phil shakes his head, knowing his mother is going to be mad. Killa was like a second son to her. She practically raised him herself when his mother didn't have much.

"Just know it was someone close to me. I just don't need you telling anybody I'm back. You hear me, ma, nobody can't know," he said

"You know momma will always have your back," she said, kissing his forehead over and over.

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