Chapter 17: Shocked.

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Debra and Jamie have been blowing up Zara phone for hours now. Debra informed her husband that she felt like something bad happened to her. Debra received a knock at the door. Her and Jamie look at each other.

"I'll go answer it," Jamie said, getting up.

Jamie gets up, walking to the door. She looks through the peep hole seeing Phil. She pushed her head back, confused.  Then, looked again. This time, she swings open the door shocked.

"Phil?" She said, standing there with her eyes all big. "Am I tripping? Or--

Phil walks past her as she slowly watches him. She can't believe her eyes. He's dead. Debra gets up from the couch, almost having a heart attack, seeing Phil standing in front of her.

Debra walks up to Phil with tears in her eyes. She grabs his cheeks than going in for a hug.

"I'm so glad you finally showed up," Debra said

Jamie walks back into the living room. "Wait. So you knew he was alive?" She sked, scratching her head.

"Yea," Debra said

"Zara gone trip the fuck out" she said under her breath. "Speaking of Zara. She's been M.I.A for some hours now. And we are afriad for her,"

Phil was too busy catching up on other stuff when he forgot to have eyes on Zara. He instantly became mad..

"She with him?" He asked

"He picked her up. I told her not to go. But you know her," Jamie said

"Well, stay here. Seem like I have to bring me the old me out, " he said about to walk away..

Jamie stops him , giving him the biggest hug. She was happy he was back. Now her best friend ain't got anything to be sorry about.

"I'm glad you back, bro," Jamie said

"Me too, sis," He said, hugging her back. He let her go, walking out the door.

Phil gets in his car.

"What we about to do?" Trell asked, sitting there hitting his blunt.

"He still got that spot on the north side?" Phil asked

"You know that's where all his stash is. Let roll through," he said

Phil sits back as they drove off. Him and Killa bought that house when they made they first hundred thousand dollars together. He was stupid to still have that place.

"How are you feeling?" Trell asked.

"Angry," Phil said.

He had a plan out for Killa. Instead of killing him. He wants to talk first. He wants to see where his head is. Did he care about killing me? Did he even think before he did that shit? Phil needed answers before he did something stupid next.

3 am

Killa already moved spots. He ain't have a good feeling about the house him and Phil bought together. He knows Zara father probably got somebody looking for her already.

Killa looks over at Zara sound asleep. He felt bad for doing this to her. But he gots to look out for himself.

They headed on highway getting out of Georgia. Took them an hour or two to get to where they were going.  He knew a spot in Alabama they could stay at for a while. While he figured out what to do.

Zara wakes up pulling up to somebody house she has never seen.

"Where are we?" She asked with her hands still tied together.

"Just stay coo," he said, taking a knife out, cutting the rope off her hands.

Zara rubs her wrist, seeing the ring Going around it. Killa gets out coming around Zara side opening the door. He reached his hand out as Zara stood there.

"Baby, come on," He said seeing her grab his hand.

Walking up Killa knocks on the door. Minutes later a beard guy who stood 6ft tall comes opens the door. He looks similar like Killa.

"Sup bro," He said dabbing up with him. "What you doing here? And who she?" He asked before letting him come in.

"My lady. Need a place to stay for while," he said brushing passed him..

"Yo, what you do this time?" He asked shutting his door behind Dee, walking into the living room where they was.

"Nothing. He said not trying to tell him the real reason. Just need to keep my lady safe for now," He said getting up.

"Sup, I'm Cameron," he said holding out his hand.

Zara didn't shake it. "Zara," she said looking afriad at first. She let it brush off though.

"This my brother. Same daddy, different mother," killa said

"And you never told me," she said folding her arms across her chest. "And I'm tired," she said

"Come on," Killa said as she got up. He grabs her hand going up the steps. Killa walks down to the end of the hall opening up the last door.

Zara walks in behind him looking around. She walks in his room seeing Killa name on the wall and some pictures of him and Phil as a kid. Zara shakes her head not wanting to even sleep in here. Looking at Phil than at Killa. She just stated to hate herself for it. But she wasn't gone be in this relationship if she ain't dead yet.

"I'm sorry," He said seeing her grab a picture of him and Phil.

Zara just couldn't stop shaking her head "You not sorry. How can you have Pic of you two and you did that to him?" She asked

"Never came back here. Honestly forgot those was even up there. I ain't bring you in here to make you cry. You already thinking I want to hurt you, and I don't," he said coming up to her.

"For a person who almost choked me to death," she said seeing him grab her face.

She instantly puts her hands on top of his just holding them.

"I ain't mean to do that," he said looking at her in the eyes. "Ain't lie when I said I loved you. I just can't have you running to yo pops in them telling them what you know. Which Jamie probably said something already,"

"I--I just don't know what to say to anymore," she said seeing him grab her hand holding them.

"Tell me you love me," he said close to her face.

"You know I love you. If I can be real. This is all so much. I can't be myself right now. I can't show you that side of love right now. When I over heard you talk about him, like you ain't care. You basically look at me as a trophie," she said tears still running down her face. "If I wanted my parents to know, they've would have done something. They didn't.  So you didn't have to do this," she said whipping her face letting go of his hands.

"I didn't see that at first, but I fell in love with you, Zara. You special, and I can't lose you,"

"And I didn't want to lose you," she said, turning her back on him. She was hurt as fuck.

All these emotions run through Zara head. She just wanted to run away from it all herself. Her favorite person is gone. She fell in love with his best friend who killed him. Now she kidnapped? Yeah, she was over it.

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