Chapter Twelve - A Magnatising Kiss

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Chapter Twelve - A Magnatising Kiss

"What happened between Mr. Radcliffe and Emily - you should never have got involved." Dr. Andre whispered from his desk. The classroom was empty, it was well past school closing time.

"She's my best friend, it's was right to do it."

"No! Did you see the state you were in after they beat you?"

"Look, I don't wanna talk about it, OK? That was last month, Emily's now left school. Move on, Leo."

"It just maddens me with the pictures of your blood stained face emerging in my head over and over. I am..." he stopped and stared at the paperwork which lay untouched on his desk.

"You're what?" I teased, stepping forward, where I braced myself against his desk with the use of my arms. The clock ticked. I urged him to go on by pursing my lips and turning my head to the side.

"Sorry! There.... You... You make me feel so small now, Miss. Ander-sone. I have no control over myself when I am near you. I've been feeling like this for sometime now."

"We're not in school now, Leo. Please, call me Ruby. I like the sound of your voice when you say it."

Dr. Andre looked up to me, with such a helpess look inside his eyes. "But you forgetting that we are in school. I am your teacher! I feel so..."

"Wrong? Dirty? Sexy?" I leaned closer, my nose a few inches away from his own one.

"No! Not dirty! My mind keeps telling me I am wrong but my heart is saying I am right. My thoughts are... they are clean! I don't understand anymore. Ever since we spent time at that summer camp. What the fuck is happening to me?"

My jaws tensed for a second. Dr. Andre never swore. That was unlike him. I put off my seductive attitude, and instead sat on the corner of his desk. The two us stared fruitfully at eachother. The classroom was dim due to the closed blinds and door. I locked him with a scrutinising grimace.

"Whatever it is you're feeling, sir, should not be thought of as wrong. Loves an unconditional thing, you can't tame it for fuck sake! This is so aggravating! You've no idea what you've put my mind through these past three years. No idea whatsoever! Am I the only person in this room who is able to see sense? Emily -"

"Emily! Emily what?" he was getting irritated. His blue eyes glared at me, yet he couldn't hide the fact how weak I made him when in my company.

I couldn't tell Dr. Andre, for one reasons. One, her situation and my situation were completely different situations all together. It was a triggered off emotion involving a forbidden man.

"Emily sees sense too! She's been through so much and now she's finally able to be with him. But my point is that... that I love you. I honestly couldn't give a shit if you're twenty six and I'm seveteen. Eight years? I couldn't care any less!"

"The law cares, Ruby!"

I smiled. "You called me Ruby. It sound so right!"

"Miss Ander-sone! I -" His words were hushed by the use of my kiss. I perched myself upon Dr. Andre's lap, wrapped my hands and legs around his big, muscly body, and pressed my lips against his own. Slowly, he returned the kiss, though softer. He began to grope about my body, slacking my white shirt. While we grasped, our breath against eachothers body gave us goose-bumps, and the heat of eachothers body was whiplashing.

The softness of Dr. Andre's kissing down my neck felt amazing, but it soon changed and his hold became tighter. He changed from soft and gentle kisses and pecking to aggresive pouncing. With a simple, effortless heave, he pinned me up against the blackboard and held my arms above my head. His breathing became heavier, his kissing harder. For a short perdiod, I began to extremely dislike how he was treating me. What was happening to him? I perferred his kind touching, his cautious kising, and most of all, his words always being puncuated with love.

I had to stop him. His hands were like handcufss around my wrists. He was pushing his knee up against me, moving my black skirt higher. His big, over-excited, and strong breathing was laboring my breathes. The only way to stop him was to knock him out, not literally. I slapped him. My handprint was left searing upon his red-raw cheek.

"I'm sorry! I couldn't stop you. I couldn't -"

"No! Oh my goodness! Did I hurt you? I'm so sorry. I have no control over the beast within me. He's been locked up for so long. This is why I made you hate me, so you would forget me!" My guilt was submerging like a river, drowning my welling eyes. I could feel a contriction emerge inside my throat, I gulped, my best heaving. "I have to go! I don't want to put you through what my cousin put Miss Clark through. Forgive me, Ruby?"

"Of course I forgive you!" I stepped forward, but Dr. Andre jerked his body backawards as if I had just kicked him. He was sweating, and panting like that of a runner. "Don't go! Please! Look... just... j-just forget about it. About me, like before. Take back your self-satisfied, sanctimonious grin, just as long as you stay here. I don't want to come between you and your career. I've been able to withstand not being near you for this long already, I'm sure I'll manage some more."


I was lying.


Lying bleakly through my own teeth. But I had to. I'd have said anything if it meant keeping Dr. Andre at least in the country. "It's fine, I'm fine. F-forget about me!" I turned away, silent tears dripping down my white cheeks, and after I closed the classroom door, I slouched down against the wood - the light above me flickered on and off, on and off, a lot like my heart.

What was now going to come of it? Come of us?

If he were to leave the country - like he said - then It would've been my punishment. However, if he were to stay - and I was once again always near him but unable to touch him - then I'd still be getting punished. I wouldn't be able to love him. I had come so far! Now either way, I was going to be getting punished. For what? Loving a man who I knew loved me back just as much as I loved him.

This wouldn't only but turned me insane. Insane! I repeat, insane.

My walk down the purple corridor was a long one. When I reached the bottom of it, getting ready to open the exit door, I was startled. My boyfriend, Adam, was stood bracing his back against the hinges of the opened door. His face, which I always thought was cute, looked scornful beneath his untamable, curly, thick black locks.

"Adam? What're you doin' here?"

He jerked his head up. "Been crying, have you?"

"No?" I stopped next to him.

"What were doing in your Physics classroom, at half five?"

"I was catching up on some revision notes for my final exam. Why? Why are you still in school at this time?" I began to panic.

"Don't lie to me! I was at my football training, like always. I know what you were doing, Ruby! I saw you through the window on the door!"

I didn't know what to say, except, "Addy?"

"Don't 'Addy' me! I want you to promise me something. I've been thinking about this for the last half hour. I'll not say another word about this, if you promise to never talk, look or touch him again? 'Cause if you do, I swear on my nieces life, I will end you. I will end your fucking life! Do you hear me?"

"I... Adam, wait! You've got it all wrong. I..." I couldn't lie anymore. I had been lying to him for three years now. And now he knew. "I promise."

His threat caused me to shake.

"Fine, now, let's go. My gran's waiting to pick us up. She said she'll take you home!" He held out his hand. I took it. I trembled when I walked with him hand in hand throughout our empty school towards his grans car.

I will end you, he threatened. The look in his eyes was full with sheer hatred until I said I would

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