Chapter 18 : Cant hide from me

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Phil pulls up in the back of Him and Killa old house. It still looks the same. Modern,  white on the ouside. The grass didn't look like it was cut for months. And Phil hated that. He noticed there weren't any cars there, and there were no lights on.

Phil gets out, walking towards the back door with his gun out. He grabbed his keys out, that he still had from when he left. He tried to unlock it, and it worked.

Trell moved him out way, going in first. The house was a mess from the back to the front. Phil went straight to the basement. He sees a chair with rope around it. He see weed spread out like nobody knew how to clean up after themselves.

"Take all his shit," Phil said as Trell and a few other of his boys came down, grabbing the drugs and pills.

Phil gets to think about everybody him and Killa grew  up around him. And it wasn't to many niggas to think about since they only trusted a few.

"Let's ride to Alabama," Phil said, grabbing his phone out and seeing Dennis (Zara Father). Calling. "Yes, sir," He said

"Give me something. Do I have to come?" He asked.

"Everything is fine. I'll let you know what else I find," he said, hanging up.

Phil leaves out the house, locking up. And when Killa decides to come back, he'll know exactly who's been in here. Only him and Phil had a key. Phil hops in his car driving off hitting the highway.

(Next morning)

Killa left Zara back in Alabama while he comes back to Goergia. He still had work to do and get that shit cleaned up from his crib on the north.

"You good?" Dee asked

"Got a funny ass feeling bro," he said not saying shit.

They pulled back up to his crib getting out. They walked in the front door seeing shit still in the same place. Killa walks down to the basement seeing his product gone..

"What the fuck?" He said standing there putting his hands in his pockets.

Dee comes down the step seeing the table cleared and the shelf where the cocain was gone.

"Bro, don't tell me somebody took our shit," Dee said about get mad..

They just reup. Now they have to do this shit all over again. More money lose this time.

Killa raised his eyebrows turning towards Dee.

"You said you've seen Phil?" Killa asked.

"Yeah, but nigga been high as fuck lately.  Why?" Dee asked.

"I think he's alive," Killa said

"Nigga you shot him in the head. Ain't no way the nigga lived," he said

"Who else had a key to get in. Nothing was touched upstairs nor ran through. Not even the backdoor was broken into. Think nigga. He the only one had the key to this house. Nigga our house, " he said

Killa took off upstairs. He ran out he door grabbing his phone. He starts dailing his brother number.

(Killa brother house)

Phil and his guys get out of the car walking up, knocking on the door. Cameron walks to the door, opening it.

"Phil?" He said, seeing him standing in his all black suit, dreads freshly done.

Phil homeboys rushed him, stealing off Cameron.

"Tie that nigga down," Phil said seeing if he's the only one in here. Phil pulls out his gun walking towards the kitchen. He puts his back on the wall peeping around seeing nobody.

He walks back into the living room, seeing Cameron getting tied up to the chair. Phil begins to walk up the steps slowly.

He comes to the top of the steps, putting the silencer on his gun. He walks to every bedroom, opening them slowly pointing his gun.

He gets to the last bedroom at the end. Which he knew was Killas room. He slowly opens the door, seeing a body laying under the cover. He points to the gun coming in. Long, pretty curly hair was seen as he got closer.

Phil pulls the cover back a little, seeing its Zara sound asleep. He took a deep breath, trying not to shed a tear. He puts his gun up in his front pants sitting down in front of her and just watch her breath slowly. Her skin was still golden. Her hair grew longer, her lips was soft and pink.

Zara moves thinking its Killa. "Killa, move. Please," she said moving her hair out her face. When she looks up, she pops up so fast, scooting back on the bed in shock.

Zara hearts starts racing. Her hands went over her mouth as she thinks it's dream. Tears filled up her eyes seeing Phil touch her. Zara sits with her legs in a criss cross position as her head fell into her hands. She couldn't believe what she was seeing.

"Come here baby," Phil said with tears coming down his face. He grabs Zara hand feeling it shake.

Zara gets up wrapping her arms around him digging her face in his chest. And she wasn't letting go.

Phil was crying just as hard. "I love you, I love you," he all he kept saying.

"Tell me this ain't me dreaming Phil?" She asked while her face still dug into his chest.

"No, it ain't," he said, squeezing her tight.

"I'm so sorry," she said, sobbing. She began to stomp her leg in hurt knowing she was dating somebody Who she thought killed him.

"Ain't your fault," he said. He grabs her shoulder, making her look up at him. He grabs her chin. "What's sup baby?" He asked, smiling with tears in his eyes.

"What's sup, baby?" Zara said giggles with tears running down her face, as she rubs his cheeks. "I love you so much," she said

"I love you," He said holding onto her waist looking into her eyes. "Just beautiful, always been," he said smiling.

Coming back to reality,  Zara hits him.

"Why you ain't tell me you was alive?" She asked folding her arms.

"Couldn't," he said. "But we have other days to talk about that. Right now,  I just want to look at you," he said, grabbing her face and kissing her, rubbing her tears off.

Zara passionately kissed him back. She closed her eyes, feeling his lip touch her. "Soft," he whispers. Zara smiles. She opens her eyes seeing him look down at her.

"Let's go," he said, grabbing her hand.

She stops. "Where's Killa?" She asked.

"Probably back at our house in Goergia.  And trust me. He knows I'm back by now, " He said

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