Chapter-8 Break Up

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 Tan POV:

"Fang! I—" I said but was cut off by Fang.

"Is this... what it looks like?" He said as his voice trembled. Only then I saw the bags in his hand. Had he left the home? Due to that fight?

Silence blankets the room as I and Fang struggle to process the scene before.

"No, wait! This isn't what you think!"

"Not what I think? It looks like you're kissing someone else!" Fang was shouting now.

Mik glanced between us, sensing the growing tension.

"I-I didn't mean to—" Mik said.

"And you! Who are you?" Fang said as he cut her off too. 

"I'm just a friend from the party, I thought he needed comfort!" She said but she didn't said the part where she kissed me without my consent.

"Fang, please! You need to hear me out. Sh-" I decided to speak out the truth.

"She what, Tan? Needed to kiss you? Was I not enough?" His voice cracked, the hurt in his eyes was evident as he took a step back.

"That's not it! She-I swear it was nonconsensual! It was a mistake!"

"A mistake? You know how this looks!" Obviously Fang didn't believe me. He takes a lot of effort and time to trust people. 

"I'm sorry, I should go." Mik sensing the mounting conflict, left the condo.

"So... this is how it is now?" Fang's eyes was full of unshed tears.

"No! Fang, please, it's not like that! I care about you."

 "How can I believe you?" I knew he felt betrayed. 

"She kissed me suddenly when I was showing her the notes." I tried to explain my situation.

"It doesn't matter. You should have pushed her away, not...  not let this happen." Fang chocked on his words.

"Fang, please! You have to understand!" I said pleading.

"Understand what? That I can't even count on you when I'm at my lowest?" Fang wiped his tears.

 "I can't do this anymore. I trusted you......I'm breaking up with you." He continued.

"Fang, no! Please, just give me a chance to explain!" I said as I panicked.

"You had your chance, Tan. Just remember, I always loved you." He said as he turned to leave. Tears streaming from his eyes. 

I just stood there, trying to understand what had just happened. I didn't realize tears were flowing from my eyes. 

Was it too late? 

no. it is never too late. 

I left the condo to find Fang, but he was nowhere. Where did he go? As I was about to move forward, I noticed, it had started raining. He should be fine, right?

Fang POV:

I was walking on the street opposite to Tan's condo so that he could not find me. Tears were rolling down my eyes continuosly.

"What did I do wrong? Was I not enough?"

"I thought we were happy... I really believed he loved me. How could everything change so quickly?"

"It's like... it never mattered at all. Was it all just in my head?"

A passing car splashes water onto my shoes, but I don't care enough to move.

"How can you just throw away years like that? Was it that easy for him?" I spoke louder than before, the frustration rising.

"I just wanted us to be happy." I said softly, which almost came out as a whisper.

I pull out my phone, staring at our recently taken picture. We looked happy, then what wrong had happened now.

"If only I could go back to that moment... before it all fell apart."

Before I could go any forward, I was hit with a strong object on the back of my head.

Before I could see who it was, I was unconscious.

Echos of a Broken Heart- TanFangWhere stories live. Discover now