Chapter-11 Talk

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Tan POV:

I was helping Fang escape his house, when I felt my head spinning. It then hit me, maybe I was going to have a memory of Fang.

The problem was it was not the time to have a memory, I needed to make to sure that Fang was safe first.

I was teleported to the the past.

Fang walked into the room in which I was standing. He looked sad and worried, a paper in his hand.

He slowly went outside the room into his father's room. I followed him.

"Dad, We have got our exam result."

"What is it?" His dad looked really interested in this.

"It's a 97%" I was happy for him but his dad's expression said otherwise.

"How can you score this low? You could have done so much better!" His dad slowly raised his voice.

"I expected better from you! You are such a disappointment to the family! Come here!" His dad ordered.

As soon as he came by his father's side, his father slapped him hard across his face.

Due to the strong impact, Fang fell on his knees.

"Get up!" Fang obeyed him and stood up only to fall down again.

I didn't realize I was crying until I saw teras stains on my hands. It hurt me to see Fang hopeless and depressed like this.

My head started spinning again and I was back in the real world.

When I opened my eyes, I saw Fang sleeping next to me on a bed. From the looks, it seemed like we were in my condo.

As I turned to face Fang, I saw him sleeping peacefully holding my hand.

I reach out to touch Fang's forehead and immediately notice the heat.

"Oh no... you're burning up!" I was worried. I shake him up gently so that he wakes u.

"Fang? Babe, wake up..." He just stirs, blinking slowly.

" Huh? Tan?"

"You're burning up!" I sit up and grab the thermometer from the beside table.

"I'm just... a little warm. Its nothing" Fang said.

"Nothing? You're sweating! You need to cool down." I said, my voice laced with concern. I take Fang's temperature.

"It's 102 degrees. This isn't a little, Fang." I was stressed now. He shouldn't be this sick now.

"Tan. Its really okay. I'm fine" Fang said as he tried to smile. It hurt me to see him like this.

"Its not and you are going to rest now" I said as I pour a glass of water and gently hand it over to Fang.

"Here, drink some water. You need to stay hydrated."

"Thanks... " Fang said as he cautiously took a sip.

"I just want you to feel better." I pull the covers off and help Fang lay down. 

"Tan, I don't want to be a bother..." Fang said. He can never be a bother to me. He never was

"You're never a bother. Just focus on resting. I'm here, okay?" I said sincerely. I knew he was avoiding talking about the kissing and his parents topic. 

I then go to the closet to search for a damp cloth. When I come back, I see Fang already asleep. I guess he was so exhausted. I place the damp cloth on Fang's forehead. 

Echos of a Broken Heart- TanFangWhere stories live. Discover now