Chapter fourty one

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It was the night before the big day and Marie had booked us a room at the venue for a girly night so that Jay couldn't see her before the wedding and so we could help her get ready in the morning. "I can't believe we're here, this time tomorrow I'll be Mrs McGuinness" Marie said dreamily. "it's going to be amazing, this place is gorgeous, you're dress is gorgeous, that Jay is one lucky guy" I laughed while looking around the room and out the window at the beautiful views.
"Then we will have to start planning yours" Marie said to Law with a grin, "haha lets get yours done first, Mark and I aren't in a rush I think we will have a long engagement, maybe start thinking about it next year sometime" Law replied "Kay and Ben may end up beating us to it yet" she added with a laugh.
"Oooo, am I missing something, has he asked you?" Marie started quizzing me, "no he hasn't asked and do you really think I wouldn't tell you if he had?" I said. "well you kept the baby quiet long enough" they both replied. "that's not the same I thought you understood why I didn't say anything. With everything that happened with James and then having to have regular checks I just wanted to make sure everything was ok first" I started explaining again, "Kay it's ok I was only messing, course we understand you'd been through a lot and we were busy with wedding talk too, I'm sorry I wasn't there for you when you needed me most" Marie said. I grabbed them both into a hug, "you've nothing to be sorry for, you were there when I needed you I should have spoken up sooner" I told them before we all decided to change the subject and celebrate Marie's last night as a Miss.

I started unpacking the bags we had brought, "since I can't drink and we definitely don't want you hungover in the morning I thought we could make mocktails, I have some recipes here and it could be fun to mix up our own" I said pulling out different bottles. "I've also got lots of goodies, we have popcorn, chocolate, crisps, breadsticks and dips" I said as I placed each item on the table. "Ive brought a choice of DVDs for us, we have bridesmaids, Muriel's wedding, 27 dresses, my best friends wedding, the proposal, the wedding planner and wedding crashers - are you noticing a theme here" Law laughed. Marie laughed at the film choices, "great job with the snacks and entertainment girls, since you left me with the task of relaxation I brought a foot spa, scented candles and bath bombs" she smiled "let the girly night begin" we all cheered.

Once the other girls had arrived, we set out all the mocktail ingredients on the counter and grabbed some glasses and jugs, Marie decided to attempt her best Tom cruise impression from cocktail. Luckily she had picked up a plastic juice bottle as she threw it up in the air spun around and totally missed the catch, it crashed straight to the floor. We all fell about laughing at Marie's face "well that's not quite how Tom does it" she giggled and carried on. Some of the concoctions we came up with tasted really good, when we found one like that we passed it round for everyone to taste. Then there were the ones that weren't so good, in fact some were absolutely disgusting but this just made us laugh even more.
We were having a great time as Marie grabbed a DVD and dimmed the lights, first up was the proposal with Sandra Bullock, "suppose we have to start with a proposal before getting onto any actual weddings haven't we" Marie laughed. After the first film we popped the popcorn and prepared the snacks for film two 'the wedding planner' and Law got the foot spa set up to take turns. Marie placed some candles in the bathroom and ran a nice bubbly bath. During the movie a couple of the girls took turns having a relaxing soak although not completely relaxing as they left the door open so they could still join in the chat.

By the end of the night 5 baths had been run, 3 wedding films had been watched, lots of chocolate and sweets had been consumed and a large number of bottles has been drained. We played truth or dare in our pjs and shared all our girly gossip, we all had a fab night and it almost felt like we were teenagers again. After all the stress and worry over the last few months it was great to finally get here, to this point where we all felt totally at ease - well all except Marie who was starting to get a little nervous.

It was just after 11:30pm when we decided we had better call it a night, Marie told us the hairstylist was coming to do our hair and make up at 9am so we needed to try get some beauty sleep. "Tonight's been amazing Marie, thanks for letting us be a part of it. Tomorrow night you'll be going to bed with a husband, you're going to be a wife - that makes you sound old" I teased, she threw a pillow at me and laughed, " I know, I'll have to tick the Mrs box on forms now that's like totally grown up isn't it" she joked before hugging me "thanks for everything Kay, cya in the morning- night"

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