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"Man, Weezy so hard

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"Man, Weezy so hard." Jiovanni said, adjusting on his bed with his blue PS5 controller in his hand

"Yeah." Yuri spoke back

She had her face rested on her hands, looking up at him since he was up against the bed frame while playing the game

A sigh slipped from her, watching his every move in admiration. "You're so cute." She smiled

"Cute is wild, Ri. Say fine assum shit." He laughed it off

Yuri was supposed to be going to Jae's house but she wouldn't pass up seeing Jiovanni and he had called her as she was getting in the car

They only ever talked on Instagram, replying to each other's stories and texting each other randomly

The two were together throughout 11th grade, he called the relationship quits at the end of summer due to him losing feelings and she started talking to him less at the start of summer due to her taking on more clients. They weren't communicating a lot during summer but Yuri thought they were on the same page of her being busy, but his feelings were fading

Yuri was in her bed shitty for some time, but she got back up again. She moved on, kept working, then school came and that was her focus

"Oh, I have to text my mom, fuck." She urged, grabbing her phone and he stopped her

"You must wanna leave me." He sucked his teeth, making her roll her eyes

"No, I just don't wanna get in trouble. My mom kinda sort of like you anyways." She fake smiled

Taina, her mom, did like him at one point until he left her daughter because she felt like the reasoning was dumb. In her opinion, he could've easily communicated how he felt about her schedule instead of letting it ride to the point of him not wanting to be with her. She may have been bias but she didn't care

"Kinda? That shi' weak, but aight." He shrugged, allowing her to go on


i didn't end up going to jae's house

Whose house are you at?

jiovanni, he just called me

So he can just call and you're gonna come

yk dats bae 🌚

My bae never left me when I was simply trying to make money during the summer

just vibeeee
you forever gonna bring that up

No, I'm not
It's just an observation

i just wanted to let you know
ion wanna be in no trouble

Girl, you in trouble for even speaking to him!

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