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"You better call me, I told Kaiser the same thing. Both of you make sure to call, and sure your location right now." My mom said then looked at me, waiting for me to pull out my phone

I shook my head and pulled my phone out, sharing my location with both her and my dad

"Perfect, okay. I'll have Daddy bring down your bags." She said, it was just a duffle bag and a smaller bag. We were sitting in the kitchen

At first I was going to bring a suitcase but I had to be mindful of space and it wasn't going to be so many days there

Luckily, I packed the day before so I was able to come home from school and wait. It was currently 8:16pm

"Okay." I nodded

My dad brought down my bags, my mom gave me a small bag of medication

"I don't like y'all." Samai said immediately when she came down the steps

"Mai, shut yo' ass up." My dad said as he put my bags by the door

"I'm just saying, they going on road trips and ish without the princess."

I rolled my eyes with a mug. "Princess? Girl, you are a peasant of the village." I said, my mom hit my arm

"All of my daughters are princesses, but girl, you're too young to be hanging with them." My mom shook her head


"That's not even fair, you won't even let me stay too many nights at my friend house."

"So?" He shrugged, not caring

They had ordered pineapple and pepperoni pizza that evening, Samai  went into the oven and took a slice out of the cardboard box

"So it's not fair." She spoke in a duh tone with her eyes wide

"Everything ain't gonna be fair, get older." He walked past her, kissing her on the forehead as she bit into the pineapple pizza

"Oh my gosh." She mumbled and put her food on a paper plate before leaving

"It's always Samai." My mom said with a small smile while shaking her head

I don't know why she smiling? It is always her, that gets annoying

Instead of saying something I gave her a side-eye and got on my phone

The doorbell rang and knocks sounded at the door. "I'll get it." My mom said

She walked to the front door. "Hey, Kaiii. Oh, Jabari, hey, how are you?"

I stood up from my seat, going to the front door to see Kaiser and Jab at the front door

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