Chapter 1

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"Damnit!", I screamed smashing the end call button on my phone. 

It was 10:00 and my brother still hadn't bring his ass to come pick me up from work. My house was a good 15 minute walk away from work, but hell it was 10:00 at night and niggas was just looking for my young dumb ass to be walking around. 

I sighed and dialed my brother's phone again, again failing to get an answer. I internally screamed and snatched my bag up from the booth I was sitting in. I bum rushed out of the door and began to walk home. 

"Don't look up, keep up the pace." I whispered to myself slightly cocking my head left and right every now and then. 

I kept walking and turned left on the street of my home. I took a chance and looked up, and much to my surprise I was in an alley. Fuck! I kept my head up scrunching my eyes to see better, failing because my glasses were fogged up. 

I kept walking and removed my glasses wiping them off with the bottom of my shirt. As I was putting my glasses back onto my face I smelled an unfamiliar smell, it smelled of a man's cologne. I quickly pushed up my glasses and took a look around. As I was turning my head to see behind me a hand covered my eyes. 

Quickly I began to kick and scream but before I could scream enough to get anyone's attention a cloth went over my mouth. I continued to try and scream but I was slowly drifting off to sleep. Soon enough a darkness took over me that I could not fight. 


I woke up gasping for air, my arms outstretched and reaching for any and everything. My eye widened as I looked around feeling my surroundings. It was morning, the sun was peering through the windows of the room. I was in bed, still fully clothed. This isn't my bed! 

I quickly jumped up out of the bed. I was panting really hard and I needed to calm down as soon as possible. Calm down Jasmine, just calm down. My breathing slowly began to slow down and I began to think logically. 

I was in a unknown place, and I was attacked by an unknown person. Good start, bad scenario. I looked around the room and saw a door. Escape route! I quietly tip-toed to the door and slowly opened it. I looked out and saw I was in a house, a beautiful one at that.

That's besides the point! I looked to my right and saw stairs, good, stairs. I slowly crept down them and made my way to the bottom. I look to my left and there was a double door right across the living room. Wow! This was extremely easy, my god.

I quickly dashed across the room and smiled as I jerked the door open. As soon as I snatched the door open loud alarms began to go off and I just started running onto the lawn. I was running but as I looked out upon the front lawn the gate looked to be a mile away. 

Hell, if I was gonna get my heavy ass to safety I was gonna have to push my limits beyond their extent. I began to dash across the lawn feeling like I could drop at any given moment. I took a change and quickly looked back. I saw a figure just standing at the door not moving. 

Hell, if they were gonna let me I was gonna get out. I turned my head back around and continuing to run. I tripped over something and hit the ground with a loud thud. I let out a small "oof" sound and rolled over on the grass. I peered over and the gate was still a long distance away.

I wasn't going to make it.

I looked back over to the door and the figure was gone. I just laid there breathing heavily trying to catch my breath. I closed my eyes as a few tears slipped from them. I let out a scream and began to sob. 

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