Ch.19 School...Isn't For Me

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"Ladies and gentlemen, you are the chosen few! Thanks to your efforts, and the efforts of your parents, you have passed through the narrowest of gates and into our academy, Eden. To all 210 proud new students and their families, congratulations! Those of us at Eden will all our hearts!"

Music begins to play as the old man on stage goes silent. We're currently in Eden's assembly hall. The benchers were filled with new students and their parents. School technically starts next week but we have to see which classes we'll be in so that's why we're here. I sat between Yor and Anya as I watch the school band play.

"Papa! Everyone's wearing my clothes!" Anya looks around curiously.

"Yes, that's why it's called a uniform." Loid answers.

"..." My eyes scan the sea of people. Every one of these kids looked like they were born with a silver spoon in their mouths, and don't even get my started with their parents. "This place is suffocating."

"Are you feeling alright, Jade?" Yor asks.

"I'm fine...just...I don't know... These people...make me uncomfortable."

The music stops playing and the old man up front starts speaking again. "We will now announce the class divisions and the professors in charge of them. Please step forward when your name is called. The first group will be Spectre House." They begin calling names.

"I wonder which group Jade and Anya will be in." Yor speaks to Loid.

"We'll find out soon enough."

"..." I zone out a bit as I waited. Hearing all these fancy rich kids' names were annoying. Why couldn't parents just name their kids simple names. Who's gonna go around saying, "My name is...William Haude Theodore Russel the third." ...Whoa, I feel bad for that kid. That was a mouth full. He should just be called "Will" for short.

"Make lots of friends, Anya! I'm counting on you!" I hear Loid mumbled.

I snap out of my thoughts to see Anya had lined up with her class already on stage. A girl called Becky Blackbell was standing beside her, smiling as she greets Anya. She seems nice for Anya.

"And the teacher in charge of the 28 students of group three will be Professor Henderson."

Oh! So, he didn't get fired. I'm glad, he was so nice to us after all.

"Now, will the elementary students stand to the side. We will be moving on to the upper classmen." The kids stay in their lines as the move to the side of the stage. "Once again, come down when your name is called." They go through each class roster again. These classes were a bit smaller though since the rest of each class already attends Eden. They plan on merging us newcomers with them.

"Jade Forger."

"That's you." Yor smiles.


"Don't worry. I'm sure your class will be great." Loid adds.

"I hope..." I walk down and stand by myself as two more names get called to stand beside me.

"Yasmin Heimall."

I watch a girl with blond hair and pink-ish eyes take the stage. The other students around us stare at her as she walks by and towards me. The air around her comes off as her being the most elegant person in the room right now. Doesn't help that she seems to be the most beautiful too. She stops before me and smiles.

"It's very nice to meet you, Ms. Forger."

"R-Right back at ya...M-Ms. Heimall."

"Hehehe, my, that's some greeting."

"Er, yeah, sorry." I stretch the back of my head. "I'm not use to the fancy formal stuff."

"I see. Very well, you may call me Yasmin then if that's more to your liking. Would it be alright with you if I address you as Jade?"

"N-Not at all. Go for it." This chick makes me nervous.

"Ivan Cristobal."

We face forward and watch as a boy starts making his way to us.

"Whoa..." I would be full on lying if I said this guy wasn't good-looking. But...there's something about him...I just...don't like. He had silver hair and brown eyes. Like Yasmin, the air around him was the exact same...however, I detected a hint...of arrogance?

He stands right in front of us. "I seem to be one lucky guy. To be placed in the same class as these two beautiful young women."


"How kind of you to say, Mr. Cristobal."

"Please," he takes Yasmin's hand. "Call me Ivan. That goes the same for you, Ms. Forger."


I'm good.

"Now before we move on." The old man continues. "I would like to praise these students for putting in the most effort out of them all. These two scored a perfect score on the entrance exam. Which, mind you, no student has done before."

There's another who scored the highest?

"Jade Forger. Ivan Christobal. Please, step forward."

This guy?!

"They're calling us, Ms. Forger." He holds his hand out to me.

I cringe and walk forward, leaving him to follow. We stood front and center in front of all the parents.

"Eden is honored to have such brilliant students attending our academy. These two have bright futures ahead of them and we can't we to see what they can accomplish in the years to come."

The parents put their hands together in a round of applause for us. Ivan smiles at the crowd as I just stare at the ground a bit annoyed and embarrassed. It wasn't even a hard exam. You're telling me kids can't pass it? Well...because of my grade and age I did take a test higher level than these kids. So, I guess they wouldn't get it if you really think about it.

We step back in line with Yasmin as the old man continues to go on and on.

"Not only beautiful, but smart as well, hm?"

"Excuse you?" I slightly turn my head towards Ivan, a glare evident on my face.

"I apologize, I didn't mean for it to come out wrong." Ivan continues to whisper to me. "I'm just impressed a commoner could be as gorgeous and smart like myself is all."

And there it is!

"...For an intelligence 'creature' like yourself, you sure know very little about the world around you."

"Creature? My, that hurts my feelings, Ms. Forger. I'm sorry, did I offend you? You sound upset."

"...Are you sure you passed the exam with a perfect score?"

"Mhm. It took me exactly one hour to do so. How about you?"

"...An hour and five minutes."

"I see. So, I'm clearly better in that aspect than you."


"You shouldn't frown like that. A pretty face like yours should always be smiling. And don't take what I say to heart. Of course, I would be better than you. I've always been perfect since. But to find a lady like could almost be perfect. Who knows, I might make you my perfect wife in the future."


Can I hit him? I want to hit him... I'm going to hit him.

A hand is placed on my shoulder. "Ivan, you shouldn't tease a lady too much like that. It's not behavior of a gentleman." Yasmin smiles at him. Seeing her gentle expression calms me down too.

"You're right. I'm sorry for my behavior, Ms. Forger. Will you forgive me?" Ivan takes my hand and brings it to his lips. I immediately pull it away.

"Hmph. Whatever."

He grins at me as I look away from him. Yasmin giggles slightly. "My, I have some lively classmates."

Trust me, you haven't seen lively yet.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24 ⏰

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