Art for 7, 8, 9

7 1 10

Here is the Art that is inspired by the biblical painting. Saint Michael defeating Lucifer and his rebellion in the war of heaven. A long time ago, before Lucifer fell, he was the most beautiful and divine child. Michael was the twin that always stayed in his shadow. He always envied him but he had to keep those feelings inside. But on this day he let out all his hatred on Lucifer and finally became the star child of God.

This is Rose as a little girl

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This is Rose as a little girl. When her life was happy and when her dad was still with her. She loved life and everything it has to offer. Rose's innocence. . .

The scene when Lucifer and Rose are singing the duet El Duelo together

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The scene when Lucifer and Rose are singing the duet El Duelo together. You already know the story behind it :)

 You already know the story behind it :)

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When Gabriel meets Rose. Not the best posing I could do but I was in a rush ok lol. I can finally post more chapters now!

When Gabriel flies with Rose and freaks her out

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When Gabriel flies with Rose and freaks her out

When Rose freaks out Gabriel with her "amazing" driving skills

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When Rose freaks out Gabriel with her "amazing" driving skills

When Rose freaks out Gabriel with her "amazing" driving skills

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This is Rose looking out at the storm of Azrael. Fearing what is to come

Another duel of brothers! Gabriel versus Azrael

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Another duel of brothers! Gabriel versus Azrael. Who won? Read the chapter to find out!

 Who won? Read the chapter to find out!

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Lucifer after singing Wide Open. In pain and feeling grief of a relationship he never had. . .

Anyways that's it!! There are more chapters to come and art as well! Bye!

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Anyways that's it!! There are more chapters to come and art as well! Bye!

God's Favorite (Lucifer x OC)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora