The Signs

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Leo's POV / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
We all file into the room and take our seats. It seems as if we all kinda have our own specialized places in the room, and they all look different from each other. I obviously got a comfy love seat mounted high up on the wall. I mean, only I could climb up there, so it was mine. I climb the wall and lay in an upside down position watching everyone take their seats.

Aries sighs as he walks up behind the podium. " Okay. Since we're all new to this, and each other, we need to go over names and job positions made by the counsel. So the way we are all divided is into two departments named the Department of Legacy, and the Department of Discipline. I'll explain what each one does after I reveal who is in each department. I'm going in order of each department and I'll start with the department of Legacy. First off, the head of the department... Leo.", he says and glances up at me. "Huh?", I ask as I examine my claws. He rolls his eyes. " Tell everybody about your zodiac.", he says patiently.

" Oh okay then.", I say and jump down. I land on two feet and prance up to the podium, lightly pushing Aries out from behind it. "Well, I'm obviously Leo if you didn't just here my little rant in the kitchen, I'm sure that all of you at least know my name.  My sign is represented by the lion... which you should also know. I'm the fifth zodiac, my ruling planet is the sun, and If I remember correctly, the world does revolve around me? Yes I'm quite sure that's in fact true. Anyone who says otherwise might not end up lookin' too hot, if you can catch my drift. Alright I think that was good enough, can I sit down now?", I say with a roll of my eyes. Aries sighs again. " Yeah well this was a mistake. But, the counsel decided to make you the head of the department of Legacy so there's nothing I can really do about it. Your position as the head of the department will be explained later and you now get the extras that come with that position.", he says. "Cool.", I purr and climb back up to my seat.

"Now then, there's Cancer.", Aries says. The pretty girl from before gets up and smiles. " Hi everyone! I'm Cancer! Um, I'm the fourth zodiac and my sign is represented by the crab. My ruling planet is the moon which isn't even a planet... but anyway! Instead of having everything revolving around me, like Leo,  I think my job is to revolve around someone else.", she says with a bright smile. I'm very interested in this.

This seems like a good match here... but it might be too early to say

"Cancer, you are Leo's right-hand woman in the department of Legacy. You'll be like....second in command and help her with her job if she requests it.", he says, reading things off of paper. "Yes! My new friend!",she cheers.

"Next, Sagittarius.", Aries says.

  " I am Sagittarius. I'm the....ninth zodiac? My sign is the archer, so I can shoot an arrow between your eyes in 3 seconds flat,  and my ruling planet is Jupiter. ", he says with his arms crossed. He sounds vaguely thin, like he wants to say more, but chooses not to. I hear that guy who tried to argue with me back in the kitchen snicker. Sagittarius looks down on him with his icy blue eyes and scowls. " You're so pathetic.", he mutters. 

Oh? Hey now you can't tell me that I didn't just hear that!

"Oh yeah, now.... Taurus.", Aries sighs as the blond stands up.

 " I'm Taurus if you didn't know. I'm the second zodiac. I'm represented by the bull, hence the horns. My ruling planet is Venus, and quick fact about me : I love love! If you love me I'll love you back.", he says and blows everybody a kiss.

Ugh..... he's a total fuckboi isn't he. He's gotta be because that is not what I saw in the kitchen earlier.

"Next, Aquarius."

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