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Leo's POV / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /

Sagittarius and I get to the bottom of the stairs and I let go of him. " Oh dear stars! I thought you'd never get off!", he sighs in relief as he cracks his back. I smile and laugh to myself.



We both whip around and race to the kitchen. " Oh great! Now look what cha' did!!", Cancer snarls from the room. "What I did?! You're the little f*cker who called me an *ss f*cking retard!", Aquarius yells angrily. " Guys guys! Can't we just-" "F*CK OFF PISCES!!", They both scream. " Well you didn't have to be so b*tchy about it.", he mutters. "And you didn't have to f*cking get into it in the first place fishf*ck!", Gemini taunts. "Boy I will beat your head into your *ss!", Pisces growls. " Oh I'm so sure you will red!", Gemini scoffs. " Please! Just stop it!", Aries begs, sounding close to tears.

I'm about to burst into tears out of sheer laughter.

This, Is funny!!

"It's no use Aries. They just got Pisces into this. It's not gonna go away.", Libra sighs. " No f*cking sh*t! Took ya long enough you dumb*ss!", Capricorn scoffs. "Why you little b*tch!", Libra mutters.

Okay... the tables already flipped over.... should I stop this?

I sigh heavily and regain my posture. Then, I walk through the doorway into the room. It instantly just... freezes, as if nobody knew what to do so they did nothing. I walk over to the counter and sit down at the island. "So you guys gonna stand there or....?", I ask, awaiting an answer like the patient (smart*ss) person I am.

" Uh....." , Cancer fumbles, holding Aquarius in her fists. "Y-You uh.... okay now?", Libra asks akwardly as she has Capricorn on the floor at her feet. "Uh....sure? Are you guys?", I ask with a questioning look at the group. Everybody drops what they're doing and acts randomly. Everyone murmurs things like : yeah yeah, uh-huh, why wouldn't I, etc.

Sagittarius sits next to me with a grin on his face. "Nice." , he says happily. "So uh.... what'd you do to calm her down?", Aries asks uneasily. I scoff. "Calmed me down?! As if.", I growl. "I found her on the roof. ", Sagittarius says, still claiming the credit for something that I did myself. Anger bubbles in my brain, and my body is about to combust along with my pride. "On the roof huh? ", Scorpio mocks. "YEAH! THE ROOF! NOT TO MENTION I ALMOST FELL OF THE STUPID THING!", I rage. Aries freaks. "You fell off??!!!", he breathes. I groan. "No Mr. Goat, I almost fell off.", I say sarcastically.

"Define almost.", Aquarius asks. "Almost- to fail at the very last window of opportunity-" "Stop being a smart*ss.", Libra interrupts my comment. I draw back. "Well I guess the scales have a little too much b*tchy on the left side huh?", I mutter. "What?", she gasps. "Don't make me bring deafness into this as well as your infidelity. ", I hiss. "Aw, your p*ssing her off Li!", Taurus frowns. "Save it! Nobody needs anymore of your bull! (Puns!! XD)",Libra scoffs. "Uh well nobody really needs anymore of your peacemaker crap either.", Cancer says wholeheartedly. "True.", Taurus whispers. "I don't care." Libra says hatefully. "You should. You're gonna f*ck everything up just like you f*cked up the table.", Gemini taunts. "Oh boy I'll knock the personality outta you!", she rants. "It'll just be better for me deary! You can't beat me.", Gemini smiles. I sigh heavily. "Seriously guys, I'm not in the mood right now.", I say boredly, trying to keep the chaos in check while still keeping my facade.

"Yeah, drop it or I'll send you guys on the roof.", Aries says quietly, a smirk on his face. Libra gasps. "But I was trying to help!", she exclaims. "But now you're trying to hurt people Libra.", Pisces answers slowly, his eyes averted and his head hung low. "But he deserves it!!", she rages. "Maybe. But you're supposed to be the peacemaker, not the instagator. Do your job and he'll do his.", Aquarius says calmly with narrowed eyes, shimmering with a slight sense of care hidden among the sternness. "He isn't though! ", she pouts. "He kinda is.", Cancer mumbles, hesitant to stir the pot. She's about to complain, but goes red in the face. Then she storms off, not another word escapes from her lips as she stomps up the stairs.

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