- Fourteen -

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I woke up to the sounds of someone hysterically sobbing while repeating,
"I can't do this anymore."

Did they not notice me sleeping on the couch?

Clearly they did not see me for they continued to sob harder and louder. Their small sniffles became gross, loud snot sucking.
Despite not knowing who it was, their sobbing made me very sympathetic and I wanted to join them in crying.

I rolled over my side and asked,
"Are you okay?"

The person let out a small screech, and then went straight back to crying.
However instead of them saying 'I can't do this anymore' they began to say,
"Mei, I've reached my breaking point."
It was Kris. Kris was crying.
His voice started to crack as he continued on,
"I-I'm going to be leaving the group in a week and I-I can't tell the guys."

A week?! This means my time here was going to be cut short as well! Whew. I couldn't wait to get out of here!

I sat up on the couch and reached my hand out to Kris. He firmly grasped it and started crying even more.

"Listen," me being the softie I was, tears started rolling down my cheeks too, "whether you decide to tell the guys or not, they're still going to feel hurt and betrayed."
I ran my thumb along the backside of his hand. That always seemed to comfort me when I was upset.
"Kris, you're my family and I love you and I don't want anything bad happening to you," He started to sob harder, but I continued to talk,
"If you think leaving will benefit your physical or emotional being then go ahead and do it. Just remember that I love you, along with the rest of the family, and we will always love you and respect anything you want to do."

He squeezed my hand one last time, and I felt him remove it from mine. His sniffles became small again, and I could barely hear his crying.
It was a good thing he calmed down so quickly because minutes later Tao barged in complaining about Yixing punching him. Of course Yixing only punched him because Tao was taking his secret junk food, but Tao blew it up into something more than that. Saying Yixing didn't even appreciate Gucci, so he had no right to hit him blah blah blah.
It was all a bunch of the usual, petty arguments the guys started. One time Chanyeol got in an argument with Kris over being able to reach the highest shelf in the kitchen. I didn't know who ended up winning, but something told me it was Kris.
I removed myself from Tao complaining to Kris by escaping to the kitchen. Someone was munching on chips quite loudly, and I could hear some curse under their breath as the kitchen filled with the disgusting smell of burnt rice.

They cussed louder this time spouting out the word for shit in Chinese.
"If anyone asks who did this, say it was Kris."
Only Luhan would be dumb enough to burn something, and blame it on Kris. How did I not know it was him?
I could hear Luhan dashing out of the kitchen. He cursed when he ran into the table, which made a plate hit the floor. The sound startled me, and I yelped.

"Who did this?!"

"Kris." I quickly responded along with the person who was snacking on chips.

The agitated Kyungsoo let out an exasperated sigh, and started quietly mumbling on about how immature everyone in this house was. You know the usual stuff an agitated Soo would say.

"Well I've got things to do, so you have fun cleaning the kitchen!" I said rather cheerily.
He scoffed at my enthusiasm. Meanwhile the chip eater, who turned out to be Sehun, also told Soo to have fun cleaning, and the two of us walked out of the kitchen together.
Well not like holding hands or anything, but like at the same time.

"Who wants to play Mario Kart with me!?????!!!!!!" Jongdae exclaimed the moment we walked back into the living room.
Without even thinking about it, I yelled,
"I do! I do!"
Chanyeol, who was sitting on the couch next to me, started laughing.

I snapped back at his laughing,
"Who will be laughing when I beat you?"

"Sweetie," He said in a sickeningly sweet voice, "you can't even see. There's no way you'll beat me."

"Don't listen to him." Jongdae grabbed my wrist and led me to a seat. When I sat down he handed me a remote, and he giggled slightly, but that was before he told me to 'kill it.'

When I realized why he was laughing, my face twisted up in sadness. Chen wasn't going to stop me from playing the game, but that was only because he was going to laugh at my attempt to play. Last time I tried to do a "game" was at a party my freshman year. We played spin the bottle and being the stupid person I am, I agreed to it.
Instead of kissing a cute guy, I ended up kissing a dog. That's right, a dog licked my face.
Thankfully Emily called her mom and we went home immediately.
I cried for days after that incident.

Chanyeol chanting,
"THREE! TWO! ONE! GO!" Pulled me out of the recollection of that horrible memory, and I just began to press and move any button.

"MEIYING YOURE GOING BACKWARDS HAHA!" Jongdae started laughing at me.

You knew it would end up in humiliation, Meiying. Why can't you keep your mouth shut?

I started pressing another button and I was informed by a screaming Jongdae that  I was heading straight towards a wall.

"This is pathetic!" Sehun muttered under his breath.
Out of nowhere I felt the couch cushion next to me shift, and someone lightly pressed up against me.

"Meiying! Fighting!"

"Fighting?!" I said rather confused.
All I wanted to know was who was pressed up against me.
Before my question could be answered, the person put their hands over mine, resting their chin on my shoulder while doing so. The warm, slender fingers that were rested over mine started to move my fingers on the controller. Only one person would have the nerve to do something like this, and that person was Sehun.
(The smell of chips on his breath was also an indicator, but I would prefer to ignore his gross chip breath.)



Sehun's lisp was much more evident when he was right up next to my ear. It made me giggle ever so slightly.
When we finished the race, Sehun & I made 3rd place, he asked me what I was laughing about.
"Your lisp," I responded, "it makes you unique though. Don't change it."

He started laughing,
"Wow you actually complimented me. Are we friends now or something?" His laughter became louder.

I sighed,
"I guess."

"Good. We'll be great friends!"

As I started to think about it, making a friendly connection with Sehun was a bad idea. He had no idea I was going to be leaving next week.

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