Enemies with Benefits (Not Dental, Though)*

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"You're going to fall in love with me." Regina's voice is sly, amused, and Emma jerks up to glare at her in surprised outrage.

"What?" Of all the things she's experienced in this room at Granny's inn today– most far beyond (or suspiciously close to) her wildest dreams– this one is the least plausible. "No, I'm not."

Regina snorts unkindly. "Of course you are. It's what happens when you hero types sleep with someone a little too often." She stretches lazily across the bed, and Emma watches the shift of her body hazily, unbidden contentment settling over her. "You get emotionally attached and start to think that you can save them. Next thing you know, you're standing in front of an angry mob and swearing that you see the good in me."

Emma kicks at her leg, an awkward attempt when said leg is wound around her own. "Shut up." She does not succeed in shaking off the uneasy feeling that Regina might have pegged her a little too well. "You don't know me at all."

"Mm-hm." Regina's tone is smug without saying a single word, naturally.

Emma feels very defensive. Maybe too much so, but whatever. "I can divorce sex from some imaginary feelings. I'm not Mary Margaret." Mary Margaret, who is right back with David after that very messy murder investigation.

Regina rolls over, a smirk curling onto her face. "You mean Snow."

This time, Emma really does kick her. "Shut up." She doesn't want to think about that, whatever the hell it is. She's been given a reprieve from all of that curse bullshit and she plans to take it for as long as Henry will let her. ( Adapting her worldview, he's been calling it, and he nods knowingly whenever she says she isn't ready to talk about it.) "Anyway," she says, clearing her throat, and she means what she says next. "There's no risk of me falling in love with you. I despise you."

Regina laughs, unbothered. "Strong words from the naked woman in the room."

Emma blinks at her. "We're both naked," she points out. They have been naked for a considerable amount of time, longer than any official lunch meeting would justify. Ruby is a saint for covering for them during work hours.

Regina looks down, then up again, her eyes running hungrily over the planes of Emma's body. "Well," she breathes. "Now that you mention it–"

They don't talk again for a long time.


See, if this were the first time, then it wouldn't be a big deal, maybe. There's always been a frisson of attraction between them that had been doomed to end as it did– Regina pinned against the wall of her office, Emma attacking her neck with vigor, her hands moving to hook Regina's legs around her as they'd moved furiously together.

If it were the second time, it might've been okay, too, because the whole curse breaking-not-breaking thing had happened already and Emma had known exactly who Regina is. So when they'd wound up half-naked near that well where everything had started all over again, it could have been chalked up to trauma.

Or... something.

It's the fact that this is the third time that is why this is becoming a problem. And not just that, but the fact that as soon as they'd scheduled this lunch meeting, Emma had known exactly how it would end. This is becoming a thing, which is just... ugh.

And the worst part is, she feels more relaxed than she has since Henry had first brought her to town. Her life is in shambles, but it feels kind of okay when she can also get naked with Regina on occasion.

And she really does hate Regina. Why couldn't it have been anyone else? Anyone. Anyone.

"Fine," she says when they're finally dressed. She's stretched out on the bed again, and Regina is sitting up beside her, pulling on her boots. Fuck, she has nice legs. "Let's establish some ground rules. If we're going to keep doing this, I mean."

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