Asymmetrical Lovers ( Soul x Kid )

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Asymmetrical .

A word to describe my uncontrollable feeling for Soul . One moment I hate his guts . Then , I love him . Though , I did not know why . This was wrong in many ways . I couldn't talk to anyone about this . I just couldn't . They would have thought I was crazy for loving Soul .

It was wrong for a boy shinigami to love a boy weapon . Especially , when your the only son of Death . I wonder if I would just be an embarrassment . Though , it is not like we are together . In my dreams we are .

I guess my love for him was asymmetrical . Though , knowing me . Asymmetrical , is the worst state anything could be .

It was quite weird for me to admit to like Soul . Well it's quite hard for me to admit to be gay . Though , I couldn't help it anymore . Soul is so beautiful . I love him . Though . I know he will never love me .

I mean . . . It's Soul . . . He couldn't be gay for me .

Asymmetrical Lovers ( Soul x Kid ) ( Soul Eater )Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin