~Chapter 15~

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∞Pass' POV∞

I woke up the next day. My phone vibrated. I tried stopping it with my hand.

"SHUT UPPP" I moaned.

I toss and turned, nothing. I finally gave up and amswerd it.

"WAKE UP!" Greysons voice yelled out.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT!!?" I yawned

"Your ugly" he chuckled.

"And your not so far either so shut the fridge up" I sassed.

"...salty much?" He teased.

"Look its 11:00 on a sunday morning, i dont wake up until 1:00" I growled.

"Yea, imagine if your boyfriend found out" he said randomly.

I smiled at the thought that he was my boyfriend "that would be terrible."

"...oooh my bad because he's kinda hearing us, your on speaker"

My eyes widen and i drop my phone on my bed. I pick it up slowly.

"You mean he's at your house?" I asked scared.

"Rise and shine beautiful" wills soft voice spoke.

I felt my face burn up, i dont like it when my crushes find out I sleep until 1:00pm.

I hang up and run to get ready. I ignore all the messages they send and film my video, edit it and upload it. Finally i return to my phone, its currently 2:04 now.

P: Hey sorry, i went to get ready

G: Its fine, wills still here

P: not cool bro ;-;

G: ahahahahahahagagagaga

P: shut up.

G: ok.

P:...so what now, do i come over....?

G: yeah.

P: cool, be over there in 15.

I went over to greysons house. I knocked on the door and waited.

"Chill" I greyson hit against something

"Well your in my way" Will's voice followed.

"Im going to answer the door" I heard them growl

"No your not! I am" Will said between what sounded like gritted teeth.

I let out a small scoff and try opening the door myself. Its unlocked, typical Greyson.

I push the door back revealing greyson on wills back chocking him.

"....wow....you guys are sooo mature" I raised both eyebrows.

"Is that sarcasm?" Greyson got off will. More like will pushed him off.

"Nawh! I speak the truth and I live with a unicorn" i rolled my eyes.

Greyson kept a straight face.

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