Breakups?! AixRanmaru Part 1

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Ai: I was sitting down reading one of my favourite books. Ranmaru walks in and sees me. A smile plays on his lips. He places a kiss on my check and then slides his headphones on. I could hear the rock music coming from them. I go over to him and sit on his lap. He wraps his arms around my waist and buries his head on my chest. He's been so loving lately. I smile and kiss his forehead. His phone rings and he looks at the bright screen. "I gotta take this" he picks me up from his lap and places me on the bed. He leaves the room and shuts the door behind him. I grab my book and start reading from where I left off. A fee minutes later ranmaru walks back in. "He y I gotta take care of something I'll be back" I nod at him hoping he wont see the sad expression on my face. He kisses my forehead and walks out. I sigh and just continue reading. A few hours have passed and ranmaru still hasn't cone back. I sigh. I see Natsuki and Syo already asleep. I change my clothes and go underneath the covers. I hope ranmaru is okay...

I hear my alarm go off and get up to change. I head over to Rannaru's room and knock on the door. "Come in" I heard Ranmaru say. I walk in there is Ranmaru playing his bass. I notice that Ren and Masato aren't here. He looks up at me and smiles. I smile back and take the seat next to him. "When did you come back last night?" I asmk him. He sighs. "Around 1 in then morning." He says. "Why were you out so long?" I asked curiously "...It's personal" He says. U stare at him silently. I don't usually go into others personal business but when it came to Ranmaru I got worried. He must have noticed my worried expression because he put his bass down and pulled me onto his lap. He nuzzles his head on the crook of my neck. "Ai don't worry about me as long as I'm here with you now I'm okay" I smile and play with his hair. He bites my neck and I arch my back. We spend the rest of the day biting and kissing each other. Night falls and I was laying down under Ranmarus covers. I listening to him play his bass. His phone rings and he picks it up. "Hmm...yeah..okay bye" He hangs up and puts his bass down. "I gotta go I need to be somewhere" I look at him "right now?" Ranmaru gives me a soft smile and pecks me on the lips. "I'm sorry. I'll be back." He left the room and I decided to stay in his bed and wait for him. A few hours past and he still hasn't come home. I look at the clock. It reads 1:00 A.M.

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