Chapter 1

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A/N: Okay this started as a short story for my English class. So I decided to change a few thinks and make it into a full story for you guys!! Well here we go!


 POV: Abigail/Abby

It’s a normal Sunday evening for Taylor and I. We are just sitting in Taylor’s bedroom hanging out; as usual I’m on the bed and Taylor on a beanbag at the foot of the bed. Taylor is so random and crazy at times and then there’s me. I’m not outgoing in anyway, but I guess that’s why we get along so well. I mean opposites attract, right? We’re just taking about random stuff until we hear the door open downstairs. I look out the window and see Taylor’s mom’s car is in the driveway. I look at Taylor and we instantly jump up run down the stairs and tackle her brother Andrew as he is walks through the front door. Andrew is like my best friend besides Taylor of course, they have the same personality almost but Andrew is a year older than us. It’s nice that they’re siblings and not to mention them being my next door neighbors is awesome too.

“Come on get off of me guys!” Andrew exclaimed at the bottom of the pile. “You act like you haven’t seen me in forever. I was only at soccer practice!” Taylor and I just laughed at this comment.

“We know, but it’s fun to annoy you,” Taylor giggled. Andrew pushed us off him and stood up, then grabbed my hand and pulled me up. Taylor looked at me expecting me to just pull her up. I looked at Andrew and we both nodded in agreement, we both turned and left Taylor on the floor. Andrew and I went to the living room and sat on the couch laughing over the expression on Taylor’s face. Once Taylor got up she came and sat beside me on the couch. After what seemed like only a few hours of hanging out, watching television, and chatting about random things in the living room I looked at my phone to see that it was already midnight.

“Can I sleepover Taylor?” I ask already knowing what the answer will be a yes.

“Sure, since you live so far away. I don’t see why not,” she replied with a smirk.

We all laugh and reluctantly get off the couch to go to bed. Andrew says good night, hugs us, and goes to his room for the night. I follow Taylor to her room borrow a pair of pajamas and jump under the covers falling asleep instantly.

A/N: Okay what did you guys think of it so far?? I promise it will get better but it started as a school thing so hey an idea is an idea!! :) If anyone cares I will be updating My Best Friend or More..... soon!! :) 

Thanks for reading Comments, votes, and followers are not expected but are greatly apriciated =P

Okay good bye for munchkins!!

   ~ Caitlain

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